Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Surgery tomorow!

After rescheduling surgery for the third time, it looks like it will actually happen tomorrow, unless a baby boy decides to make his appearance!

Christian cannot have anything to eat after midnight tonight, so he had a great big bowl of oatmeal right before bed. He is looking forward to his apple juice for breakfast, but after 9:15, he is off all liquids too. We have to be at the hospital at 11:15 and surgery is at 1:15. I do need to give him a final bath in the morning and wash him up with antibacterial soap.

He is not nervous at all. He knows they are going to fix the hole in his belly button and he is going to go to sleep.  I am not very nervous either! I should be! I am sure I will be a wreck tomorrow though, especially when they take him away for surgery. That will probably be the hardest part of the day.

We were in Target today, and I let him pick out two small Lego sets for tomorrow. I said he can have them when he gets home from surgery if he does a good job. He told dad all about those tonight, so I think even if he hurts, those might help him a little bit! I also said he could play video games when it is all over. He liked that idea too! He might be playing quite a few video games over the next couple of days!

I am going to try to get a math lesson in tomorrow morning with the girls before we have to leave. They get to spend the afternoon with grandma, so they are pretty excited!

Hopefully everything goes well and he will make a quick recovery! Broken arm and all!!

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