Wednesday, October 28, 2015

38 1/2 week checkup! Getting closer!

I went in and saw my midwife today.  I was looking forward to going in after those seven hours of contractions on Monday night.  I knew some of them were real because they were lasting 2-3 minutes and were pretty intense.

I was pretty anxious when I went in to see her today. I was shaky for some odd reason! It was probably because I had a very busy day ahead of me and then this morning, we got word that Matt's brother and his wife (the ones due the same day as me) were in the hospital having their baby!

I got to my appointment and stepped on the scale. Another two pounds. I guess I gained the one back from last week and added another one. I am up to 30 extra pounds now! My blood pressure was slightly higher than usual, but nothing worth getting upset about!

My midwife came in and I told her what had happened on Monday. She said, "Do you want me to check you?" I said, "Kind of." She went ahead and checked my cervix and said I was at a 1, but still really "thick."  A one?? Really? I questioned her a couple of times! I know it's not much, but I have never done anything until a week overdue and here I am 1 1/2 weeks AHEAD of my due date!! She said I still have a long ways to go and if the contractions started up again, I would be ok to stay at home for awhile. She did say again that if my water broke, I would need to get right up to the hospital.

She drew my blood again to check my platelets since I have been on steroids for a week. 

She measured my belly and I grew 1/2 cm, so I am at 39 1/2 cm. She said he was still in the same positon as the last six weeks.  He is head down and his body is along my right side with knees and feet along my ribs.  His heartbeat was great and he had good movement. I think he kicked her while she was listening to his heartbeat! She also said again how much water is in there! (Last week she told me we were going to have a great big mess when my water broke!)

We pretty much wrapped things up with that because Courtney had to get to her class at the homeschool learning center.  I go back again next week!

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