Monday, October 12, 2015

Are we going on a hospital tour...or not?

One thing that is going to be different about this little guy is that I will be having him at a different hospital than I had the other three kids.  I had the other three at a local hospital here in town (I actually had Courtney and Christian in the same room.)  But since I had Christian, they no longer offer birthing services at that hospital.

Two weeks after I had Christian, the same health system opened a brand new women's hospital out by my house and that is where I will be having this little guy. :)

My problem though is that Matt and I have never been there (Except for my medical scare when I was 29 weeks pregnant, but I did not get to walk around and explore that day.)  We have never went up there to see a new baby and honestly,we have not been in the hospital at all. We thought it might be a good idea to go on a hospital tour. Nothing like waiting until the last minute to get this done!!

Tonight I pulled up the hospital's website to register for a tour and there were only two nights available for tours before my due date.  I went to register for the earlier one and then saw that registration was closed! There were even two tours that night and both were full! These were for Thursday, October 22nd.

The next tour date was October 29th, which is about ten days before my due date.  I asked Matt to look on the calendar to see if there was anything going on and of course, he has a very important meeting that night that he actually is in charge of! There is no way he could get out of that to go on a hospital tour! I thought that maybe I could go myself, but then I would need to line somebody up to watch the kids.

In the end, I think we are just going to have to figure it out the day we have this baby! (Unless we go see a new baby before we have ours.) Honestly, they will direct me to my room, I will have this little boy, and then maybe we can tour the place!!

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