Friday, October 16, 2015

End of the Week!

This week has been draining, I have to admit! Christian's broken arm, potential surgery, more than one medical appointment, classes, church, trip to Vala's pumpkin patch (last night), I am ready for this week to be done!

School, well, let's just say we didn't get much of that done this week. We will just call it our "fall break." I didn't plan on having school yesterday or today due to Christian's surgery, so we are getting math and spelling done and using the rest of the time to catch up on things around the house.

Yesterday, I got all baby clothes put into the little guy's dresser. I still need to dig out the bath towels and washcloths, bathtub, swing, and bouncy seats.  We need to get the glider up to his room too, but we may wait until the last minute to do that. I actually like it in the living room!

I also had Christian see what clothes we had in the attic that would fit him. I have a box of "bigger boy clothes" that are above his size, so we went through and tried those all on yesterday. My conclusion is that he will have plenty of pants and pajamas for this winter, but still needs some shirts.

I wanted to have Megan find her box of clothes, but she was too busy playing legos. :) I KNOW she needs new jeans, shirts, and maybe new pajamas.  She may even need a new winter coat. Maybe all three of them need this, I am not sure!

Courtney needed some new tennis shoes, so she went through our box of old shoes and found a pair of Megan's old tennis shoes that fit her perfectly- great!!

I was able to take some time yesterday and get some medical bills paid. Those are coming quickly from these last couple of months! I am very glad we have that HSA and I can set up payment plans for the bigger bills.  Now that we have met our deductible, our bills won't be so bad!

I was also able to get laundry going yesterday. It's amazing how laundry piles up so quickly! I am sure it will be even worse when #4 gets here!!!

Today, I have about the same things on my agenda. I still have some furniture to put away from when we cleaned the carpets and the girls' room has a few things that need to be put away yet too. I still have groceries sitting on the counter from the other day! I must find my kitchen counter today!

We have to send the registration into the DMV for our van and we need to make a few phone calls. We have water on our ceiling upstairs, so we need to call the company that did the roof a couple of years ago and see if they can get that fixed.  I have a bookcase to put together and put in Christian's room, so that room will be done for now. I would also love to order some wall stickers for the baby's room. It looks so bare in there!!

I still have to find window coverings for two windows in our house. I would like to order the same faux shades that we ordered a few weeks ago for the kid's bathroom upstairs. I have a new curtain for the downstairs bathroom, but need to find some sheers to go under it.

I need to take some time to take my kids clothes shopping. Like I said, the older one and the younger one need some new clothes and really, I need a few warmer items to get me through these last four weeks.  And of course, baby needs some winter sleepers and winter clothes. I can't put shorts and t-shirts on him in the middle of winter! Too bad I can't put pink on a boy, I have tons of winter clothes from Megan because she was also a November baby!!

Eventually I will get all these things done, but for now, I will just take a deep breath and do what I can!!!

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