Tuesday, October 13, 2015

He finally broke a bone!

Today Christian finally succeeded in doing something that people had told me a boy would eventually do. He broke a bone!

I had my day all planned out.  I was going to have school in the morning and get done with that about twelve. I had an appointment with my midwife at 1:45, so we were going to head there after lunch.  After that appointment, we were going to come back home and clean the living room and piano room for piano lessons that were scheduled for 3:30.

This is NOT how my day went!! I will say that we got school done by noon, but then everything fell to shambles.

It started out by a nurse from my midwife's office calling around noon and saying I needed to reschedule.  There was a woman in labor and my midwife needed to be at the hospital in the afternoon. Honestly, I was rather upset at this! I had scheduled my entire day around this appointment! I ended up rescheduling it for tomorrow at 1:15, which is school time! I was not happy. While I was on the phone with her though today, I scheduled out all my remaining appointments, even an overdue appointment!  :)

After I got over this, I started making lunch and Courtney and Christian went outside to swing.  Courtney and Megan have been jumping off the swings lately and Matt and I have been letting them. They are usually really low and don't do any harm, unlike what we did growing up!!

At one point, I look outside and Christian is standing up on his swing swinging like he always does and Courtney sitting is on her swing. I get back to making lunch and the next thing I hear is Christian screaming in pain. I look back out the window and he is laying on the ground, his arm under him, and he is obviously hurt!! I ran out there as fast as I could and asked him what happened. He said he jumped off the swing and his elbow really hurt! Not again!! We just had a hurt elbow a couple of months ago!!

I made him walk inside  and I sat him down in a kitchen chair. I asked him if he could bend it, which he could, and I got him some ice.  I didn't quite know what to do next because he was crying pretty hard, so I called Matt. He always has a good answer for me! Matt answered his phone and I told him what happened. He said to call his doctor, so I called his pediatrician and talked to a nurse.  She told me to take him to Children's ER to get x-rays. Ugh!!

I called Matt back and by this time, I was rather upset about the whole situation. He said, "Do you need me to come home?" I replied with, "YES!!" I had the girls eat some lunch, but neither Christian or I had anything to eat at this point.

About ten minutes later, he arrived home, and the five of us headed to Children's Hospital.

After arriving there about 1:30 (he fell around 12:45), they ordered an x-ray after the nurse practitioner examined him. She was pretty sure that he broke his arm above his elbow, she could tell by his pain and how it felt. Matt went with him to get an x-ray and said he was wincing when they were moving his arm around for the pictures.

After coming back, the nurse practitioner came back in and decided she wanted more pictures of his forearm because that area was also very tender to the touch. Again, they wheeled him back to the x-ray room!! Matt again went with him and said he actually cried when they twisted his arm for the picture. Poor kid!!

After bringing him back for a second time, we played the waiting game for awhile.  Eventually the nurse practitioner stuck her head in and said, "His elbow is broke and we are going to put a splint on it today. You need to go see your orthopedic doctor tomorrow to get it casted. His forearm is fine" and she was back out the door. No time for questions!

Again, we waited awhile and the nurse practitioner showed up again awhile later with all the material she needed to make a splint.  She worked at that with another person, maybe a resident, and got Christian all fixed up.  He was a trooper through this all! I had given him ibuprofen before we left home and it clearly did its job!

After she was done, I asked to see the x-rays because I wanted to see this break! She took me over to the computers and showed me his x-rays, but I didn't see anything. She showed me where there was fluid covering his entire elbow and she even said she couldn't see a break.  She did say that the radiologist said it was broken and they have much better equipment, so they are going with their diagnosis. She said often times they cannot see a break on their computer, even though there is one there. I was kind of disappointed. About two months ago when he fell on his right arm, he also had fluid surrounding the joint, but it was never broke.

After this, we all headed back to the van to bring the little guy home. I was very thankful it was not broken badly and we did not need surgery! (Unlike some other child of mine!!)

One of the discharge instructions was to call his orthopedic doctor first thing in the morning and get an appointment to get it casted. I tried to call when we left the hospital today, but the clinic was already closed. I hope I can get in tomorrow because Christian has surgery Thursday morning.  I also have a very busy day tomorrow already.  The girls get their palette expanders off at 8:45 am, then they have class at the learning center from 10-12, then I rescheduled my midwife appointment for 1:15.  The only time I really have is from 2-5! Don't forget we have church tomorrow night either!

Thursday is going to come bright and early too because we have to be at the hospital by 7 am for his surgery. We will be back at Children's Hospital again! I may just collapse on Friday!!

I am very thankful for modern medicine and very thankful that we finished off our deductible today!! But poor Christian, he just may be living on ibuprofen for the next week or so!

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