Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Little behind?

Wow, I have fallen off the blog bandwagon! It has been about a month since I pulled this up. Either my life is extremely boring or busy lately; I am not quite sure!

This last week, I entered the stage of potty training with Micah. I wanted to wait until summer to do this AND I needed to do it when I wasn't really teaching school. I kind of forgot how much time it takes. :(

I do believe in putting children in underwear, giving them lots to drink, and then when they start dancing or showing signs they need to go potty, take them into the bathroom.  This works if you can keep an eye on them.  I will say this sort of worked this week!

 We started last Saturday, and Micah went through at least 15 pair of clothes that first day!  This was our first day, so it was ok. Everyday got a little bit better. It has been a week now, and I have learned a few things about him and potty training.

1.  He will NOT tell me when he needs to go. I either have to catch him dancing or just take him every so often. He knows how to go potty now, so that is a huge plus!
2. He will rather have the microwave tell him to go potty than me! He is kind of stubborn and doesn't like to be told what to do.
3. I cannot ask him if he needs to go potty because the answer is always "no." I need to say, "It's time to go potty."  He still usually responds with "no," but then I say, "We say 'ok, mom', not 'no.'"
4. He wants to do everything "by myself!"  He wants to get his pants and underwear off, get on the toilet, get off, and get everything back on. Usually after he goes, I lay his underwear and his pants out on the floor and walk out. He is successful about 90% of the time! Sometimes he gets very frustrated and I ask him if he needs help and he says, "NO!"  Sometimes I just help him anyway!
5. If I leave him unattended while he washes his hands, he dumps my whole bottle of soap down the sink and lets the water run to the top of the sink. He must be supervised!

6. I am still struggling with what to do when we go out in public.  Since he won't tell me he has to go yet, I have just been putting a diaper on him and not taking him potty, but I know this is not the right thing to do! I may give in and buy pull ups just for this training period! I really don't like pullups, but I cannot have him peeing through his clothes while we are out in public!!! Honestly, when he pees, there is usually some on the floor! This CANNOT happen in public!!  (Last night, he was outside riding his scooter and he peed. "Mom, I pottied on my scooter!!"

7. Oh, and going #2 in the toilet. That is totally not happening. I wish it would though!

Hopefully within the next week or two, we can get him trained to the point where he will tell me he needs to go AND I can take him out in public and not have accidents.