Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Late start to a busy morning! 37 1/2 week checkup!

Today I woke up at 5:30 am when Matt got up. Instead of getting back to sleep, I laid wide awake for awhile and kind of drifted in and out of sleep. I refuse to get up earlier than I have to. :)  My alarm went off as usual at 7:15 am, and I always give myself about 15 minutes to "wake up." I then crawl out of bed at 7:30 and wake the kids up. I remember looking at the clock at 7:21 am and thinking, "I have nine more minutes to lay here and enjoy the peace and quiet."

Next thing I know, Courtney is shaking me and saying, "Mom, don't we have to get up?" It was 8:07!! How in the world did I lay there for two hours and then once I really have to get up, I fall back asleep??

This caused us some trouble this morning because I had to be at the midwife at 9:15, which means we needed to leave by 9! In addition to this, Megan, Courtney, and I needed to take a shower. It was picture day at the homeschool learning center today, so I wanted nice clean hair and Courtney wanted her curls.

We got everybody up and had a quick breakfast and got everybody through the shower in time! We were doing well until Christian decided he didn't want to get dressed and when I finally went to help him (he can do everything except get his shirt on and off), he was not cooperating. It was 9 am and I was still getting him dressed.  I told him, "Please don't act like this" and he turned to me and said, "You don't act like this!" Oh really!! Guess where he got to go? To timeout for talking inappropriately to me!! This made us even later.

I ended up calling my midwife and telling her I was going to be 5-10 minutes late. They were ok with it because they had a patient cancel.

We got there 10 minutes late, as I had predicted. Once I got Christian dressed, his teeth brushed, he did not want to get in the car and was taking his sweet time even getting his shoes on. UGH!!

Once we got there, I was still running on adrenaline and my blood pressure was even higher than last week. I lost a pound when I stepped on the scale. I think this is because I had such a light breakfast and last week, I came after I ate lunch!

My midwife then came in and we had a few things to talk about. We both knew that last week my blood platelets had come back lower than they should be. She called a perinatologist on Monday, and he suggested that I go on steroids until this baby is born. She knew I wouldn't want to do this unless I have to, so we are just going to watch them and wait. She drew my blood again this week.

My strep B test also came back positive, which I really wish it would have came back negative like with my other three pregnancies! My midwife said strep B is a bacteria that lives in your body and it is not good nor is it bad. It also comes and goes, which explains why I am positive now and was negative with my other three kids. The protocol for strep b is to give the mom antibiotics while they are in labor. The baby can pick up strep B once the water bag breaks and/or in the birth canal. It can lead to meningitis and even death in these little babies.

She said that if I refuse to treat it, then if my baby even flinches wrong and does something out of the ordinary, the nurses will freak out and he will get a free ride to the NICU, which I do not want.  Once there, they would give him a whole lot of antibiotics to clear it up. She says the hospital does not automatically send them to the NICU like they used to, but are aware if you refuse treatment and keep a closer eye on the babies.

She said that she would really like to keep my bag of waters intact as long as possible due to this. I told her that with Christian, my water broke at 2 am and I just went back to bed. She said I cannot do that this time, but I need to get to the hospital and start with antibiotics.  She said she won't necessarily hook me up to Pitocin, but may try some other tricks before inducing. I was kind of bummed about that. I really want to just go into labor on my own!! If I went into labor on my own and my water has not broken yet, she would be ok with me laboring at home and just getting the antibiotics when I get to the hospital.

She also listened to the baby's heartbeat, which was fine and measured me. While she was measuring, I asked her how big he was and she responded with, "You don't want to know." She eventually told me 39, which means I grew 2 cm in one week!! No wonder she didn't want to tell me!! She said I don't look very big, but I have a big baby in there! No big surprise!! My poor stomach hurts from all the stretching. She says that he is everywhere in my stomach and he is! He is making himself at home, I guess. Too bad he is going to be evicted soon!!

The nurse eventually came in and knocked on the door. She needed my midwife for something, and I needed to get Courtney to her class at 10. This was at 9:55. Luckily, the homeschool learning center is just down the street and it didn't take long to get there!

My appointment next week is also at 9:15, we will see if I make it on time!!

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