Thursday, January 2, 2014

Empty Bottles!

For awhile now, I have noticed that my children have had way TOO many bottles in their shower.  I know they each have their own body wash and share a shampoo/ conditioner bottle and Christian has his own, but there were probably 15-20 bottles in their bathtub and on the floor outside of the bathtub.

I have also noticed that there is barely any left in a lot of those bottles and I always said to them to finish those bottles. Well, apparently they had been listening to me.

Last night I asked Courtney to go take a shower and she told me she didn't have any shampoo to use.  I told her that there were 20 bottles in her shower! There had to surely be something in there! She repeatedly told me that those were all gone and there was really no shampoo left for her to use.

So I went upstairs to sort through these bottles!

I found 10 EMPTY body wash and shampoo bottles!!

I found two full bottles of shampoo, two full bottles of conditioner, two half bottles of shampoo/ body wash for Christian, four body wash bottles that were half to almost empty, and a couple other odd bottles.

That is at least 22 bottles!

Seriously children! Finish one bottle before you start the next one!!! Oh, and throw the old one away!!!

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