Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday morning

We had no interruptions in our sleep last night! It was great!!!

I figured we would get back to our school routine on Monday morning, so I woke the kids up as usual.  After Christian woke up, he really wanted a drink and to go to the bathroom, so I took him. I then brought him back to my office to check my email. While he was hanging out on my lap, he fell back asleep! I stirred him a little and asked him if he wanted to go back to bed and he said yes, so I put him back to bed! This never happens, so I knew he didn't feel good again.

In the meantime, I went and checked on Megan and she still looked pale, so I let her alone and told her to come downstairs when she was ready.  About five minutes later, she came downstairs, but landed in the recliner again. She said she was pretty dizzy.

Great, two kids down again!!

Of course, Courtney was fine!

I let them sit in the living room for awhile before getting breakfast, Megan still wasn't feeling right, so Courtney and I got breakfast and got the dishes done.

About 8:30, Christian started crying upstairs, so I went and got him. He was warm and you could tell he didn't feel right. I put him right on the couch and got him some Gatorade.

A little while later, I determined that there was not much I could do with these sick children except to let them sit there and get better. I let them watch "Horseland" and I went and took a shower and got ready. Eventually, I wanted to get some school done today!

After I was ready, I got Christian dressed and put him back on the couch. Courtney went and got dressed and so did Megan. She was still a little dizzy, but not as bad.

It was about 10 by now and Megan was doing better, I asked them if she could do some school and she said yes.  I told her we could do her read-aloud, that way she could sit and just listen, so we did.  For the next hour, I read to them Across Five Aprils and they played legos!  We were making progress!

By 11:15, we were done and were ready to do some language arts, so I brought Megan to the table and we got spelling and English done. I think she was pretty much back to normal!

By about 11:30, Christian decided to get off the couch and walk around. He had some Gatorade and a banana while sitting on the couch, but now he said he was ready for lunch.

By noon, everybody was up and walking around and acting normal again! Nobody looks pale anymore and they had some color back in their cheeks!

We all had a small lunch, yet not too much to upset some stomachs again. Now they are all playing trains during "recess" time.

We will see what this afternoon brings!!

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