Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Courtney a Vegetarian?

Courtney certainly keeps us on our toes around here in more ways than one!

We all know that Courtney does not like to see animals get hurt. She refused to read a story in her reading book the other day because a cat cut his tongue on a can. She was in tears because it was so sad and sat there for at least five minutes refusing to read it!  She will refuse to watch some you tube videos I have found for science today because one animal is eating another animal. We had to catch every ant and box elder bug in our house last fall and put them back outside, I would even warn people who came over not to kill the bugs in front of her.

Every night when we have meat for supper, she always asks what animal it came from. Once she figures out where it came from, she sometimes would eat it and other times, she would refuse to eat it (because the animal had to die in order to give us food.)

For about 24 hours, she decided to become a vegetarian and eat no meat at all. (I did make her eat nuts because really, it's all about the protein, right?)

Last night, she was refusing to eat fish at dinner.  Matt and I think she needs to eat more than fruits and vegetables, so we pulled out the scare tactics and it seemed to work.  I told her, "Courtney, if you don't eat healthy, your hair will start to fall out and you will have patches on your head. This is what happens when you don't get the right nutrients."

It worked. Today at lunch, she was back eating meat. Megan asked her why and she replied, "I don't want my hair to fall out!"


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