Thursday, January 16, 2014

Stuck in my house!!

This is what I have been the last week or so...stuck in my house and honestly, I was getting a little stir crazy yesterday.  We didn't do much last week, except had one big playdate and said good bye to some real good friends (who we will miss tremendously!!).  This last weekend, we were stuck at home because my children decided to get sick.

They were still a little sick Monday, but we were able to get school done and honestly, I like to stay home on Mondays and Tuesdays and concentrate on school. I would much rather get a lot done earlier in the week than get behind right away.  By Wednesday, I was itching to go somewhere.  We were all well and there was a group of homeschoolers going skating, so I thought we could join them.

We were getting our school work done in the morning and I was planning to leave about 12.  Around 10, Courtney didn't look so good. She was complaining her stomach hurt and didn't want to do anything but sit on the couch. We tried to do some school work, but she couldn't concentrate, so she went back to the couch. She looked pale and Courtney does not complain much, but you could certainly tell her stomach hurt. I cancelled our skating plans.

Eventually she felt well enough and we were doing math after lunch.  In the middle of math, she got this terrible look on her face and I went and grabbed her the bucket to throw up into.  She gagged, spit, hollered "but I don't want to puke!", gagged some more, lost her breath, spit some more, yelled some more, and just made this big old scene! Luckily it was just her and I! Eventually I got her into the bathroom by the toilet so she could puke in there.  But about two seconds after we got in there, she said, "Hmmm, my stomach doesn't hurt anymore" and she was completely fine! I have no idea what that was all about! 

After she got done with this scene and feeling better, she went into this rambling about why she doesn't want to go to school.  She informed me that she would like to go back to preschool where it was super easy.  She also informed me that she wants some color in her math book!

Here are some snippets of our conversation:
Courtney: Why do I have to go to school?
Me: It's the law. You have to. If you don't go to school, daddy and I will go to jail. The police will come and arrest us and take us to jail. Is that what you want?

Courtney: How long do I have to go to school?
Me: Until you are 18.
Courtney: (intense thinking) But I'm only 7!!!! AHHHH!

Courtney: How long until I go to college?
Me: Well, you will go to college when you are 18 and you are there until 22.
Courtney: That's so long! Do I really have to go to school until I am 22??

Courtney: Why can't I just quit at 1st grade? Why isn't that enough??
Me: There is so much more to learn. You need to know more than 2 plus 2!!

In the end, I hope I won in the conversation.  I really don't think she has much to complain about!!

So, this is how my Wednesday went. Matt didn't get home until 9:30 in the evening. It was one long day! 

So today, I told the girls that we were getting out- no matter what! We had a couple errands to do and we met grandma, so we were out for about four hours. It was so refreshing for all of us!!!  When we got home at 3, we still did a lesson in math for each girl (one extra lesson now means one less lesson this summer!).  We will have a whole day of school tomorrow and then we are off for the weekend!

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