Sunday, January 12, 2014

Another kid down...

After Christian throwing up Friday night and sleeping most of yesterday away, we knew somebody else would probably get this germ and somebody did! It was Megan. :(

Christian begged to go to bed at 8 pm (after sleeping 11:45-2:15 and again from 4:30-5:30 yesterday), so I put him to bed. At this time, everybody was feeling well. We were all sad from seeing our friends for the last time, but healthwise, we were fine.

Matt and I put the girls to bed and we went to bed ourselves.

About 1 am, Christian was stirring, so I got up with him.  He seemed wide awake, which was not cool!  He wanted a drink of water and I was too tired to get one for him PLUS I didn't want the puking to start again. He insisted he wanted water and eventually said, "I will get some water BY MYSELF" and went off to the bathroom. Well, this gets my attention because he cannot get the water turned on and off by himself and he will just end up messing around in the bathroom. I got him a drink and tucked him back into bed.

In the meantime, I noticed that one of the girls had gotten up and was in the bathroom, so I went down the hallway and stuck my head into the bathroom. Megan was kneeling on the floor in front of the toilet! She had thrown up too! Poor kid!! At least she made it to the toilet!!!

I woke Matt up and we cleaned up the little bit that was on the floor and got her a bucket and sent her back to bed. I was convinced that she was going to throw up again during the night.

Matt and I went back to bed again and eventually Christian settled back to sleep too. (You know a kid is feeling better when he is arguing with you in the middle of the night. He also insisted it was time to wake up!)

Everybody slept the rest of the night!! I think I woke up around 8 this morning because Christian was asking me for some more juice and was being pretty insistent about it! Megan had not gotten up again either!

Now we are all snuggled on the couch watching "Thomas the Train", I think we will probably lay around and watch TV all day again! Ugh!

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