Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sick Kid!!

We have had a pretty good winter when it comes to sickness, we haven't had any sick kids until last night.

It was about 2:30 am and I heard Christian coughing, which I didn't think was odd, but I really hadn't heard him cough much lately.  After he got done coughing, I heard him say, "Mommy, mommy."  I was just going to ignore it at first, but then he said it louder, "Mommy, mommy! I spilled in my bed!"

My first thought was, " Oh no, you didn't take a cup of water with you to bed and then spilled it!" As I went in there, he said again, "I spilled in my bed." You know what he did? He puked! BUT thankfully, it was in one contained pile on his mattress!! Great job!

I sighed and then woke Matt up. I cannot deal with puke and it stunk!

I got Christian to the bathroom and put him in front of the toilet and then helped Matt clean up his bed.  I got his sheets changed and Matt took his dirty sheets downstairs to rinse them off and get them in the washer.

I took his mattress and put it in our room.  Matt then came back upstairs and we put towels all around his mattress and gave him his pillow and a blanket, no stuffed animals. We also gave him a bucket and said if he needed to puke again, to puke in the bucket! We all settled back to bed, but yet keeping an ear open for his coughing again.

4:30 it happened again.  He started puking and only got a little on his sheet, but luckily made most of it into the bucket.  Round 2! I cleaned Christian up while Matt did laundry, again. Next pair of sheets!

This time the cleanup went a lot quicker, so we were all back to bed within 10 minutes.

We all slept the rest of the night! But I am still tired this morning.

Christian seems fine this morning, but now we're on a watch for the rest of the family....

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