Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pajama Day at Preschool

This week is very busy at preschool. On Monday, Courtney had a field trip to PE 101, today is pajama day, and on Friday, Courtney gets to bring snacks.

Last night, Courtney put her pajamas on to go to bed and she told us that she was going to wear the same ones to preschool today. I thought she needed to change them in the morning! So this morning came and she kept them on, so I didn't fight her on it. I have been noticing though that these particular pajamas are getting too small on her lately. She was sitting on the floor in her playroom playing legos before she left and I said, "Courtney, I really think you should change pajamas, those are just too small." Do you know how much of an ordeal it is to find a pair of pajamas that fit AND appropriate for winter time? She tried on a pair with penguins, those were too big, she has a flannal nightgown that she wears all the time, but then she had nothing on her legs, she finally settled on a pink pair of footies, but of course, the feet didn't fit her right, but too bad, get in the car!

I will say though that she was pretty excited about taking her purple blanket with her to preschool!

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