Sunday, January 29, 2012

Little Mouse Friend

For the last week or so, I have sworn that I have heard a mouse in our walls in our bedroom. It's always been in the wall between our room and Christian's room. I would always wake Matt up and say, "Did you hear that? Really, did you hear that? What should we do?" He never heard it and always went back to sleep leaving me up to listen to our new friend.

Yesterday morning, he finally heard it, so he got up to listen more closely.

He came downstairs and found me. He said as he laughed,"I heard your mouse friend and I found him. It was a piece of paper flapping against the wall "(We have a fan in our room at night and the fan must've been hitting this paper, which was hitting the wall and making the noise.)

Gee, thanks Matt. Last night, I didn't hear him at all. :)

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