Monday, August 30, 2010

Cold Lunch vs. Hot Lunch

We had an interesting discussion at the dinner table tonight and I thought it would be fun to post about it.

Last year, Matt had made a comment that he would give Megan money if she took her lunch to school. She would be saving him money, so why not pass the savings onto Megan?

I had mentioned to Matt tonight that she has only ate at school about 5 times this school year and takes her lunch about everyday. I mentioned to him the whole comment about paying Megan and he decided to sit down and figure out how much it costs us to send lunch with her versus eating a hot lunch at school.

Here is what we did:

1. To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich:
loaf of bread- 12 sandwiches- usually around $1.35, so .11 per sandwich
peanut butter- 70 servings(really 35, but I don't put 2 tablespoons on each
sandwich) around $4.00 for 32 oz., 5 cents per sandwich
jelly- 45 Tablespoon servings- usually around $1.30, so 3 cents per sandwich
2. Yogurt 35 cents per container
3. Capri Sun 15 cents per drink
4. Some sort of fruit (grapes, banana, apples, cantaloupe, canned fruit) 15 cents per serving
5. crackers, or granola bar, or vanilla wafers, 15 cents per serving

These are all estimates, but when you add it up, it costs us about $1.00 for her to take a cold lunch to school.

To eat a hot lunch at school, it costs $1.95 this year. We save about $1.00 everyday that she takes her lunch!

So then Matt decided to see how much she would save us over the entire school year.
There are 188 days of school and she does eat her lunch at school every Wednesday because they have chicken nuggets.

188- 36 = 152 days of cold lunch

She would roughly save us $152 a school year if she took her lunch to school everyday but Wednesdays.

So, in the end, Matt decided to pay her 25 cents for every cold lunch she took. We're still coming out ahead! I told him I should get paid too because I have to go shopping for the groceries and put her lunch together in the morning.

We'll see what happens, but I did find this all interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you send a lot for her to eat. Marie gets either 1/2 or full sandwich and a fruit/veggie/yogart. And this year a juice box. Sometimes she gets a dessert/snack. I'm lucky that she eats this most the time. Marie would never have time to eat what you send Megan. I might considering paying her too, kind of like that idea!
