Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pinched Nerve in my neck and a big boy!

So I just got back from the doctor and he thinks I have a pinched nerve in my neck, which is only being made worse by nursing and holding Christian! My tingling extends from my shoulders all the way down to my fingers. He wants me to go have an EMG done on Monday to see how bad and where the pinching is exactly at. We've met our deductible, so why not?

He was going to give me a prescription for some anti-inflammatory drugs, but I can't take them because I am nursing. Instead, he told me to stretch my neck muscles and I could take the hydrocodone I have left from when I had Christian. He mentioned maybe holding him a different way when I am feeding him so I don't pull on all the muscles in my neck. He said a warm pack would help too.

We also talked about the fact that Christian is already 13 pounds and he is only going to get heavier, so I need to figure something out. I want to nurse him for at least a year and I can't go all year with a tingling arm. The doctor seemed to know what he is talking about, so I'll stick with his advice and see what the tests results are on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. My dr. gave me an anti-inflammatory for my foot....I am nursing Josie. He said it was safe while nursing. I was given naproxen.
    Sorry you're in pain! I hope it goes away soon!
