Thursday, July 9, 2015

Five Year checkup!

The other day, we kept going, going, and going! Wasn't summer for relaxing?? I guess we have done plenty of that too, just not at home!

On Tuesday mornings, I always take a water aerobics class at a gym that we joined for the summer and Megan has been taking tennis lessons, which she loves! After our classes, I went and got adjusted. Thank you very much to this little boy who is pushing on my tailbone. My leg has been going numb on and off and it's been hard to move a certain muscle, so I went in. Thankfully my chiropractor adjusted me and we were fixed! We were good until yesterday of course when it started hurting again.

After we came home for lunch, we headed out to Christian's five year annual checkup with his pediatrician.  I did not do his kindergarten physical or shots because he is not going to kindergarten in the fall. :)  The first thing they always do is weigh these kids. He weighed 43 (65%) pounds and he was 44 (71%)  inches tall.  I had the girls step on the scale too while we were there and Courtney was 55 pounds and Megan was 93.  I think it caught Megan off guard because she was 81 last November. This child gained 12 pounds in 8 months! But she has also grown taller!! She sure doesn't look like she weighs 93 pounds!

After we got all the vitals done, we saw the doctor. Of course she asked about school (she knows we homeschool) and about Christian in general. She never asks us about our diet or what we eat anymore! We talked about how Christian's motor skills developed way faster than the girls' did and how has no interest in school. She told me this was all normal!
We talked about shots and Christian needs a couple for kindergarten, which would include MMR, chicken pox, and DTAP, I believe.  He broke out in chicken pox after his chicken pox vaccine, so we can skip that one! She also recommended the hep a vaccine. She looked back and both my girls have theirs, so we will probably do Christian's too sometime.  We also talked about his HSP and how he will never be getting the flu shot again! 

Next she did the physical exam and everything was fine. Last year when she did his exam, she found a very small hernia underneath his belly button, so I asked her again about it this year.  She found it again and said that these rarely resolve themselves and usually need surgery.  Her next line was, "If there is ever a year when you are going to reach your deductible, you might consider getting it fixed." We are going to hit our deductible this year!! But do I want his to go through surgery? no! She gave me the name of a pediatric surgeon at Children's Hospital to call if we wanted to pursue it. She said that the hernia will not bother him or give him trouble as a child, but as an adult, it might.  She said we could also let him deal with it later in life when he has to pay for it! I just kind of laughed!

Other than that, we had a good checkup! I made appointments for Courtney and Megan as we left. Megan's was a little tricky because we are due to have our baby two days before her birthday, so I asked if we could do her 12 year checkup and the baby's checkup at the same time.  The receptionist said we could, but would be wise to make Megan's appointment now and then add the baby's appointment to hers later.  I made it a couple weeks after her birthday, so hopefully we will have the baby by then!!

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