Monday, July 27, 2015

Final Verdict on the elbow

I took Christian in to an orthopedic doctor today and got an answer! His elbow is NOT broke. However, there is fluid and he did injure it in some way (obviously).  The doctor looked at all our x-rays and said they look normal.  The main piece of information he gave us was that 75% of kids with fluid on their joints usually have something broke. Lucky for us, Christian was in the 25% of kids who have fluid in the joints and do not have a bone broken. He said this is why after every x-ray, the radiologist said, "suspect a fracture" because in most cases, it is broken!

He examined Christian's elbow pretty thoroughly and said if it was broke, he would not be climbing up on the examining table or leaning back on it without it hurting a little bit.  He was doing all these things just in the room today.  He pushed on about every part of his elbow and kept asking Christian, "Does it hurt now?" There were some places where he was still sore, but the doctor said he expected that for the injury.  I think if it was broke,  he would have hurt or been tender in more places.

He then went on to say that he could put a cast on it if we wanted, but it would probably be more trouble than it is worth. I said we will pass. :)  He said if we were still worried, we could come back in about three weeks and take more x-rays. Again, I said we will pass!  He said to continue to be careful, but yes, we could get back to the pool! Hip, hip, hooray!!

Guess where we went when we were done? To the pool!

I am glad I took him in, now I don't have to worry about it anymore!

Next week, we go back to the clinic next door, which is the general surgery clinic, to consult a doctor about getting his very little umbilical cord hernia fixed! Might as well do it this year (and while he is young!)

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