Wednesday, April 2, 2014

To Break or not to Break??

For about the last 2 years, I have sought different professionals in regards to my jaw troubles.  I have gathered much information and everybody pretty much says I am doomed for jaw surgery.  This would include a full set of braces and surgery (break bottom and/ or top jaw).

I have got some differing opinions too, such as "Invisalign will fix it ALL" or "Just let it as it is" or "Just work on your stress and the pain will go away."

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from an orthodontist who I had seen about 18 months ago.  She was writing to see where I was in my treatment plan and if she could help me any.  I wrote her back and told her of all the different opinions I have received from other orthodontists, my personal dentist, and an oral surgeon.  She wanted me to come back in and bring it all together.

Today I did that. Honestly, I wasn't too excited about going to the appointment. I thought I knew what she was going to say and I really didn't want to go.  She sat me down and we went over my records and I told her how I deal with my jaw EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is sometimes just a dull pain, but it's there. Sometimes I yawn too wide and don't get it back into place and then my whole head hurts. Right now I have an inflamed nerve that is going from my jaw to my temple.

She looked at my teeth again and came back with the same conclusion she had 18 months ago- full braces with jaw surgery (break bottom jaw) !! She was very sweet and encouraging about it though, which I liked.  She recommended a jaw surgeon that is on our insurance plan and her treatment coordinator walked me through the next steps and went through the cost. 

How long can I delay this?? She said if I don't do surgery, things will only get worse, this would include pain, wear and tear on my teeth, and the osteoarthritis getting worse in my jaw joint (which leads to more pain and stiffness.)  I feel like this is my only option. :(

She made it sound like the sooner the better....agh!!!!

It would take 9 months of braces to align my teeth, then surgery, then I believe another 6 months of braces to line everything up again. I can hardly imagine what it would be like to have my teeth lined up, I would actually be able to bite an apple!! I'm sure there will be many more benefits than that, probably some that I don't even know about. 

Now to make a decision....and to do some fundraising. :)

And yes, I believe this is the best option for me...

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