Saturday, April 19, 2014

Food Articles :)

1.  If you have followed my blog for awhile, you know that I have had some major food intolerances.  Before I found out about these intolerances, I was dealing with anxiety and things were not going well in life.  When my doctor (holistic, not medical) mentioned she thought food was a factor, my jaw dropped and was actually shocked! How does that work?? How does what you are eating correlate to your brain and how you are feeling?? But once we did a food test and saw what my body was fighting, I tried it and my anxiety went away! Yes, it took awhile, but now two years later, I am SOOOO much better than I was about this time in 2012!!! (And now my gut has healed from those original food intolerances and now I have a new set to deal with. :)

Here is an article that I saw that clearly puts brain and gut together. If you don't want to really read the article, the video does a great job!

This actually explains more than a few problems I have had in the last 5 years!

If you want to heal your brain, heal your gut first!!!

2. Here's another article by the same author who states that one way to heal your gut is to eliminate all gluten and dairy from your diet! Easier said than done, right?

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