Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Plans for school

We have been studying Paul's missionary journeys during our Bible time in school. I had it all planned out to be done with this unit by last Friday and then we could start our Easter unit yesterday.  There are 8 lessons in that unit, so I thought it would be perfect for this week (leading up to Easter) and next week.  I can't usually get 4 Bible lessons in a week, but I thought I would really push it because of the holiday.

HA! Did I really think that would work?? The unit on Paul's journeys are taking a little bit more effort than usual.  I don't think my curriculum did a very good job of explaining them and I am going through and making sense of it. Yes, I could just teach it out of the book, but I don't even understand the story they put together! (They took quite a few passages of the Bible and then put them into two or three paragraphs!).  I have had to sit down, sort through it all, make extra study sheets, and then present my new ideas in class.

I did the same thing last night and it took me an 1 1/2 hours!! Our next lesson is on Paul's arrest in Jerusalem and his travels to Rome, but it never said why he was arrested!! Isn't that an important thing to know?? So my mission last night was to find this out and it took forever! I felt like I was researching a paper again! I was using about three reference books I had plus the Internet and finally, I just pulled out my Bible and read from the source! I finally understood it then! Ugh!

Not only was Paul arrested, but he had Jews plotting against him and he had to travel to a another city in secret! He was then in jail for two years and went before three different judges and finally made his way to Rome to appeal to Caesar!  And no, it wasn't an easy trip to Rome either because of storms and shipwrecks!  Once he got to Rome, he continued to sit in house arrest until his trial. Wow! So interesting!

This is probably why our Bible curriculum condensed it into 2-3 paragraphs!!!  I made up a study guide for the girls and I am sure it will take us at least 2-3 days to get through! Luckily this is the last lesson in our unit, but now we are not going to have time to do our Easter unit. :(   I may just put it away until next year.

But now, I need to find an Easter lesson! I may just find a couple books in the "Ruwe Library" and find a craft to do on Friday.  I am disappointed that we are not going to get to our study, but Paul's life is also very fascinating!!

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