Saturday, April 26, 2014

Homeschooling article

I saw this on Facebook today and it peaked my interest. The title of the blog is "Behold: the two absolutely worst arguments against homeschooling." As a homeschooler myself who have seen my kids thrive at home, I was curious as to what these two arguments were, so I went ahead and posted it here on my blog.

Matt Walsh, the author of the blog, receives letters and once a week, he answers them.  This blog is one of those letters about a parent who is obviously against homeschooling and Matt defends his points for homeschooling. It is very interesting!!

In a nutshell, the first arguments says, "What we need in public schools in parental involvement. When you pull your kids out of school, then there is no parental involvement and then our schools suffer."  The author, Matt Walsh, responds that our kids are not there for the sake "of the system." Our kids are important to us and we need to do what is right for our family, not for the sake of the "system".

The second arguments is the everlasting socialization question! The person who wrote the letter wonders how our children will ever learn "proper" socialization if they don't go to public school! He states public schools gives young people a chance to be well-adjusted adults!!!  Matt Walsh responds very nicely to this one and pretty much says, "Have you seen the public school kids lately?? Are they becoming well-adjusted adults by learning socialization in our schools??"  I love it that my kids can socialize with every age and every grade level. They are not afraid to talk to adults and I can foster this by homeschooling them. No, we aren't perfect, but it is definitely a work in progress. 

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