1. We were out to eat the other night and looks at Christian and says, "Is it ok that I call you 'Chris?' You can call me 'Courts."
Christian: 'Ok, Courts.'
Courtney: 'Ok, Chris.'
Matt and I stepped in and said that we do not like this little game. We told her that if he wants to be called 'Chris', he can decide that when he is older, but for now, we will call him Christian.
(This was a deal I made with Matt when we were naming him. We both wanted to name him after his grandpa Chris since it was tradition, but I really wanted him to have his own name. We negotiated and the deal was that we could name him after the tradition IF we could name him a version of Chris - our options were "Christopher" or "Christian." You know how that ended. :)
2. Courtney is totally obsessed with these fairy books lately. She has always like them, but lately, we have seen many more of them than usual. Why?? She can read them ALL BY HERSELF!!! She will read at least 2-3 of them a day! The other day she had one open at lunch and we told her at least 3 times to put the book away! I think it is great that she wants to read. Until these books, I never saw her reading for fun! I think it is great! She has at least 20 checked out from the library right now and these are all she checks out when we go there!
I am not quite sure why she likes them so much (probably because she can read them herself), but they are very predictable books. They always have the same characters, same setting, and same general plot. There are always goblins involved and Jack Frost is the head of the goblins. Courtney will also tell you that there are always two problems and the first one never works!
Matt and I do not like reading these books because they are all the same, but we will read them if she asks. They are chapter books for 2nd -3rd grade and appeal to 3rd graders- she thinks it is pretty funny that she is only in 1st grade and reads them! Each chapter is about 9-10 pages long and there are pictures on about every page, so they read pretty quickly!
Courtney especially likes this one, can you guess why??
Last night, she brought me one to read at bedtime and she said, "We are going to read ALL night long, okay mom? When we are done with this one, we are going to get another one and read that one, and when that is done, we'll just keep going, ok??" I replied with, "No, you are going to bed!"
So now instead of telling Megan to put the books away at night, I now I have to tell Courtney to put her books away too!!
3. Last night we went for a bike ride. When we got on a bike ride, Megan and Courtney both ride their own bikes, I ride mine, and Matt pulls Christian in the trailer. We usually head either north or south down the trail.
We were heading back home on the trail when all of the sudden Courtney started screaming at the top of her lungs! We all pulled over and through her screams, she told us there was something in her eye! We pried her eye open and there was a black speck in there! Matt got his water bottle and we tried to rinse it out right there on the trail. It must have stung really bad because her eye was watering all over and getting red. She did not want to open her eye!! Finally she did and I pulled it out! It was either a bug or a piece of dirt, but it stung really bad! She was pretty upset about it!!
We let her recover a little bit and then we kept going. Her shirt was pretty wet because of the water, but by the time we got home, she was dry and fine.
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