Monday, July 16, 2012

Megan's story

Megan loves to write stories and last week, she wrote one that I thought was pretty cute!  We have been reading a lot of Amedlia Bedelia books around here and the girls love it that she takes everything literally! They giggle and laugh so much when I read these books to them.

Last week, Megan wrote her own Amelia Bedilia story:

"Amelia Bedelia, please make me some tea," said Mrs. Rogers.
"Okay," said Amelia Bedelia.  She got a piece of paper and wrote a large T.  "Here is your tea," she said.  "Do you want it in a cup?"
"Yes," said Mrs. Rogers. Amelia Bedelia got a cup and put the tea in the cup.  She put it on the table.
"Thank you," said Mrs. Rogers.  "What is this??"
"Your tea, ma'm," said Amelia Bedelia.

"Please attack the kitchen and my room please," said Mrs. Rogers.
"Okay," said Amelia Bedelia.  So she attacked the kitchen.  She hit and punched the floor and table. She went upstairs and did that to Mrs. Rogers' room too.

"Please put my money in the bank," said Mrs. Rogers.   to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. love this girl's imagination!!!! How fun to let your mind run and be able to write those thoughts down. This story made me giggle, thanks for the smiles!!! Grandma Lu
