Friday, July 27, 2012

Anybody want to donate some $$$ for jaw surgery??

The saga of my jaw problems goes on!

I went in yesterday to see an orthodontist to see what her opinion was on my jaw.  I have seen my regular dentist and he thinks Invasalign would solve all my problems and I have seen a TMJ specialist and his treatment plan included appliances, medicine, electronic stimulation, etc. We also didn't get a good feeling about this doctor.  I have also seen a chiropractor and he says if I just "worked on my stress," all my troubles would go away.

Who is right???

So I went to get yet another opinion yesterday.  A true orthodontist.  Her suggestion was jaw surgery! Ugh!! I kind of knew this was coming. While I was growing up, my dentists have always said that I might end up having jaw surgery some day because of my jaw. They never really said (or I don't remember) what the problem was, but now I know.

My bottom jaw is too small for my top jaw.  They don't come together right, they don't work together like they are supposed to and this is why I deal with TMJ and headaches on the right side of my head so much.  I told her I clench my teeth when I am stressed and she said that that doesn't help my problem.

Her treatment plan:
1. 9 months of full set of braces to straighten my teeth
2. jaw surgery with braces on, they would break my bottom jaw back where my wisdom teeth were and put in titanium screws to extend my jaw forward to match my top jaw
3. continue with braces and tweek my bite  and tooth placement after surgery.

Sounds like fun, huh?? She said they would not have to wire my jaw shut! oh gee, thanks!

This is also very pricey, even with insurance! Yikes!

I think I am going to go get a second opinion, but honestly and unfortunately, I think she is 100% right!

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