Thursday, July 5, 2012

Consequences of the 4th

Now that the 4th of July is over, I have to deal with getting Christian to bed by himself again and not be scared of fireworks anymore.  It really scared him this year!

Here is how naptime went today:
I put him down around 2 pm like usual.  He automatically stands up, grabs his two blankets plus his stuffed frog, hollers and yells, "Mama up!" for the next hour. I went in every once in awhile to reassure him, lay him back down, and walk out again.  After about an hour, I hear an airplane fly over head and he screams! I go in there and it clearly shook him up a little bit.  I sat down beside his crib and started to sing to him.  He was all sweaty and obviously was very scared!  This is two year old anxiety! Megan soon came in and she started singing too.

Soon I said, "Do you want Megan to go get you some music?" Of course he says, "Uh-huh!" So Megan gets her CD player and puts in some Mozart for kids music. He is all calmed down and we sit down in the glider and act like we are sleeping.  Soon the phone rings, so I had to get up. He was still calm, so I motioned Megan to get out. I was still determined to get a nap out of him! He soon realized we were gone and started crying again, but you could tell he was getting tired.  I went in and laid him down because he looked like he was going to fall over! Eventually he did go to sleep, after an hour and a half. He then slept for an hour and a half. I was happy with that.

Matt put him to bed at 9 and it is 9:30 and he is still screaming, "Mama up!" He is pretty upset again.  We turned the music on because that helped this afternoon, but it doesn't seem to be helping any. I also turned his light back on, maybe he won't be so scared that way!  He might be at this for awhile.

I figure we can let him cry it out now or I can go in and get him and then we would have to deal with this later.

I really wish those people that thought it was so cool to shoot off fireworks at night, and especially right by our house, could come over and deal with my two year old!!!

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