Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our Animal Friends

I am glad to say that I think our ant problem is almost officially over. I have seen maybe one or two this last week, but nothing like we had a week ago. I am really glad they are enjoying their new houses. :)  Courtney thinks they like their new houses too.

On the hand, we always seem to have a fly flying around our house. My girls have named him Freddy.  I don't know if you know the song, "Fredy the Frog makes me feel so fine, every friend of Freddy's is a friend of mine. etc." It is off a Little People's ABC Cd we listen to in the car. So now we sing about Freddy the fly.  It's quite comical.  Anyway, he keeps bothering us. If I kill one Freddy, then we name the next one Freddy the 2nd and so forth. I think we are up to Freddy the 14th or so now.  I don't mind Freddy being around, just don't buzz in my ear!

I should also add that we have been finding a lot of spider friends around out house lately. Unfortunately, they all get to go to spider heaven right away. :)  If the girls see one, they will say, "Mom, we found another spider friend!"  So I grab a tissue and go take care of it.  They are usually tiny baby ones, so it's not a big deal or they find baby daddy long legs in a corner.  Some are a little bit bigger, big enough that instead of sending them to spider heaven, I would rather catch them and identify them. But I don't. They must go before we have more.

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