Friday, July 30, 2010

What a difference!

I just wanted to write that Christian has been a great baby lately!

I broke down and gave him Prevacid, he has had the symptoms of reflux lately and I called the nurse last week and talked to her. Our doctor recommended giving him Prevacid. I was hesitant at first because he was only 6 weeks old, but I also wanted a content baby again.

Earlier this week, I started giving it to him twice a day like I am supposed to. Wow, I have a great baby on my hands! He stays sleeping for 1-2 hours at a time, he's not cranky, he's happy when he is awake and I love it!

When he does get fussy, it means he is usually hungry or tired and I can fix that easily! Before, he would go from a little fussy to screaming and I was not able to calm him down.

Maybe I can go back on milk products...


  1. I can't believe he is 6 weeks old already!!

  2. Actually he's a little over 7 now, he was 6 weeks when this all happened.
