Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Update on Christian

I called the doctor yesterday and talked to a nurse about Christian.

1. She thinks the rash all over his face and head is baby acne. She said it can cover baby's face, be on their ears, in their hair, and at the base of thier neck. She said it can even cover their body. If it's not gone within two weeks, I am supposed to call her back.

2. I also talked to her about Christian possibly having reflux. I can hear him regurgitating his milk sometimes and then gagging on it and then swallowing it again. After he does this a couple of times, he gags very loudly and then spits it up all over me! On Sunday, he cried for awhile after he did this. The nurse talked to the doctor and she called in a prescription for prevacid. I'm not sure if we're going to go get it though. It's a proton pump inhibitor, so it would cut off his stomach acid. In theory, this acid is going up and down with his milk and is burning his chest. He is not even 6 weeks old yet, I would hate to start giving him medicine already and messing things up so soon. BUT on the other hand, if it would help with his fussiness, I might try it. (but I have to for at least a month.)

3.The other option that could be causing his fits are gas. I've taken about everything I can out of my diet and he is still fussy. There are some more things I could take out, but the nurse mentioned getting some gas drops. I am more apt to try this before the prevacid.

4. She says he is wheezing because his voice box is still under-developed, which I knew.

5. He also has a hard time catching his breath sometimes at night, she said that babies often put thier toungues on the top of their mouth and then it takes them a little bit to breath normal again. He didn't do it last night, I am thankful!

We're staying home today and I really want to pay attention to him and see if I can get this figured out. If it is gas, then I can hold him certain ways that might help, I want to see when he is getting fussy and see if there is any pattern to it. Like I said, Matt and I would really like to stay away from the medicine, we're going to watch him a couple of days and see if it gets any better. He doesn't do it all day, but here and there. We just don't want to label him as having colic and let him cry, we want to fix the problem.

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