After finding out yesterday what the doctor had prescibed for Christian to put on his ezcema, I am a little concerned. It is a steroid cream and after doing some research online, I found out that you are not supposed to use it on babies under 3 months old. Christian is not even 2 months old yet. And since it is a steroid, it can have many side effects. In addition, I'm leery about putting a steroid cream on my babies face.
Would you wait until 3 months to put this on? Would you use it at all?
It is not supposed to make the ezcema go away, but just temporarily clear it up and not make it look so bad.
Or we can try other things that don't involve medication, like changing detergents, keeping his face clear and dry, changing soaps, etc. I think we'll try this for a month and see if it gets any better.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Christian broke out in a rash on his face two weeks ago and the same time I called to talk to the nurse about his reflux, I talked to her about a rash that had covered Christians face. She thought maybe it was baby acne and if it didn't go away in two weeks, I was supposed to call her back.
Yesterday, I called her back. During the last two weeks, his rash had spread to the back of his neck, his hair, his ears, around his eyes, and it was moving down to his chest.
I took him in today and he has ezcema! Other people thought it was a heat rash or an allergic reaction to something, but it's not.
It can be caused by an allergic reaction to something, but I think the key is to keep his skin moisturized and clean. I should start using free and clear laundry soap and very mild soap to bathe him in. The doctor also gave me a prescription for a lotion to put on his face.
Funny, this kid is already on two prescriptions. Courtney has only been on one during her entire life! I think Megan suffered from ezcema too. Again, taking after Megan!
By the way, I had Christian weighed at the doctor today and he is 13 pounds!
Yesterday, I called her back. During the last two weeks, his rash had spread to the back of his neck, his hair, his ears, around his eyes, and it was moving down to his chest.
I took him in today and he has ezcema! Other people thought it was a heat rash or an allergic reaction to something, but it's not.
It can be caused by an allergic reaction to something, but I think the key is to keep his skin moisturized and clean. I should start using free and clear laundry soap and very mild soap to bathe him in. The doctor also gave me a prescription for a lotion to put on his face.
Funny, this kid is already on two prescriptions. Courtney has only been on one during her entire life! I think Megan suffered from ezcema too. Again, taking after Megan!
By the way, I had Christian weighed at the doctor today and he is 13 pounds!
What a difference!
I just wanted to write that Christian has been a great baby lately!
I broke down and gave him Prevacid, he has had the symptoms of reflux lately and I called the nurse last week and talked to her. Our doctor recommended giving him Prevacid. I was hesitant at first because he was only 6 weeks old, but I also wanted a content baby again.
Earlier this week, I started giving it to him twice a day like I am supposed to. Wow, I have a great baby on my hands! He stays sleeping for 1-2 hours at a time, he's not cranky, he's happy when he is awake and I love it!
When he does get fussy, it means he is usually hungry or tired and I can fix that easily! Before, he would go from a little fussy to screaming and I was not able to calm him down.
Maybe I can go back on milk products...
I broke down and gave him Prevacid, he has had the symptoms of reflux lately and I called the nurse last week and talked to her. Our doctor recommended giving him Prevacid. I was hesitant at first because he was only 6 weeks old, but I also wanted a content baby again.
Earlier this week, I started giving it to him twice a day like I am supposed to. Wow, I have a great baby on my hands! He stays sleeping for 1-2 hours at a time, he's not cranky, he's happy when he is awake and I love it!
When he does get fussy, it means he is usually hungry or tired and I can fix that easily! Before, he would go from a little fussy to screaming and I was not able to calm him down.
Maybe I can go back on milk products...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
To move or not to move?
Delimma for the moment:
I put Christian in his swing so he would be entertained while I put Megan to bed. Now he is sound asleep.
Do I move him to his bed or just let him sleep in his swing?
I'm afrad if I don't move him, I will wake up in the middle of the night and wonder where my baby is! But if I do move him, he might wake up and I won't get to bed for another hour or two!
I put Christian in his swing so he would be entertained while I put Megan to bed. Now he is sound asleep.
Do I move him to his bed or just let him sleep in his swing?
I'm afrad if I don't move him, I will wake up in the middle of the night and wonder where my baby is! But if I do move him, he might wake up and I won't get to bed for another hour or two!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Will be back sometime
I will get back to blogging soon.
We had a busy weekend camping and all went well.
Hopefully I can find some time to sit down and post about it.
Until then, kids, laundry, dishes, and the rest of the house is calling.
We had a busy weekend camping and all went well.
Hopefully I can find some time to sit down and post about it.
Until then, kids, laundry, dishes, and the rest of the house is calling.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
still haven't started...
yep, it's 8:30 at night and still haven't started packing. I got a lot of other things accomplished today.
I think I will have a late night ahead of me!
I think I will have a late night ahead of me!
How long will it take me to pack?
We are going camping this weekend, but how long will it take me to pack for 5 family members?
Do you think if I start today I will be done by tomorrow?
One our sister-in-laws volunteered to come over and spend some time with the girls today so I could get started, but I really think I'm going to get out and do some errands. That oil light on the van won't go away. :)
I might also get some groceries and do some other things,but really, I do need to pack sometime....maybe I'm delaying this because I think it will be hard taking a 6 week old camping in 90 degree heat, I'm very thankful we have an air conditioned camper, I just don't want to sit in it all day and watch the other three go jet-skiing. I'll find something to do and maybe it just won't be as hot as they think...
Do you think if I start today I will be done by tomorrow?
One our sister-in-laws volunteered to come over and spend some time with the girls today so I could get started, but I really think I'm going to get out and do some errands. That oil light on the van won't go away. :)
I might also get some groceries and do some other things,but really, I do need to pack sometime....maybe I'm delaying this because I think it will be hard taking a 6 week old camping in 90 degree heat, I'm very thankful we have an air conditioned camper, I just don't want to sit in it all day and watch the other three go jet-skiing. I'll find something to do and maybe it just won't be as hot as they think...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Can we go somewhere??
Ok, mom is a little restless in this house today.
Mr. Christian has been fussy all day.
The two girls are happy as larks to stay at home.
Courtney has rediscovered her CD player and her and Megan are finding about every CD and playing it, they are having a great time!
Mom really wants to get out of here, but is it worth the battle with the girls?
I think getting out would do Christian a world of good, but I really don't have a good place to go with 3 kids in tow...
Mr. Christian has been fussy all day.
The two girls are happy as larks to stay at home.
Courtney has rediscovered her CD player and her and Megan are finding about every CD and playing it, they are having a great time!
Mom really wants to get out of here, but is it worth the battle with the girls?
I think getting out would do Christian a world of good, but I really don't have a good place to go with 3 kids in tow...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Oh Courtney!!!
I couldn't believe my youngest daughter this morning.
Courtney is not a big cereal eater, so she a usually has a cheese stick or applesauce for breakfast. Today it was a cheese stick. She got one and sat down in the recliner. After a little bit, she started compaining that she didn't like it, that it was gross, and that she didn't want to eat. I insisted that she eat it because she likes them and that is why I bought them! She keeps going on and on and on (maybe seeking some attention here...)
Anyway, I get up and go into the kitchen and I turn around and I see her drop it on the floor! She says, "Mommy, my cheese stick fell on the floor and now I can't eat it." Courtney Grace!!!! Where did you learn that??
I said to her, "You purposely dropped that so you wouldn't have to eat it," and I sent her to her naughty spot right away! She knew she was caught! After her three minutes were up, she did admit to me that she dropped it on purpose! I told her that that was her breakfast and she is not getting anything else for breakfast or a snack. She just grinned and said, "ok." Little stinker!!
Courtney is not a big cereal eater, so she a usually has a cheese stick or applesauce for breakfast. Today it was a cheese stick. She got one and sat down in the recliner. After a little bit, she started compaining that she didn't like it, that it was gross, and that she didn't want to eat. I insisted that she eat it because she likes them and that is why I bought them! She keeps going on and on and on (maybe seeking some attention here...)
Anyway, I get up and go into the kitchen and I turn around and I see her drop it on the floor! She says, "Mommy, my cheese stick fell on the floor and now I can't eat it." Courtney Grace!!!! Where did you learn that??
I said to her, "You purposely dropped that so you wouldn't have to eat it," and I sent her to her naughty spot right away! She knew she was caught! After her three minutes were up, she did admit to me that she dropped it on purpose! I told her that that was her breakfast and she is not getting anything else for breakfast or a snack. She just grinned and said, "ok." Little stinker!!
Update on Christian
I called the doctor yesterday and talked to a nurse about Christian.
1. She thinks the rash all over his face and head is baby acne. She said it can cover baby's face, be on their ears, in their hair, and at the base of thier neck. She said it can even cover their body. If it's not gone within two weeks, I am supposed to call her back.
2. I also talked to her about Christian possibly having reflux. I can hear him regurgitating his milk sometimes and then gagging on it and then swallowing it again. After he does this a couple of times, he gags very loudly and then spits it up all over me! On Sunday, he cried for awhile after he did this. The nurse talked to the doctor and she called in a prescription for prevacid. I'm not sure if we're going to go get it though. It's a proton pump inhibitor, so it would cut off his stomach acid. In theory, this acid is going up and down with his milk and is burning his chest. He is not even 6 weeks old yet, I would hate to start giving him medicine already and messing things up so soon. BUT on the other hand, if it would help with his fussiness, I might try it. (but I have to for at least a month.)
3.The other option that could be causing his fits are gas. I've taken about everything I can out of my diet and he is still fussy. There are some more things I could take out, but the nurse mentioned getting some gas drops. I am more apt to try this before the prevacid.
4. She says he is wheezing because his voice box is still under-developed, which I knew.
5. He also has a hard time catching his breath sometimes at night, she said that babies often put thier toungues on the top of their mouth and then it takes them a little bit to breath normal again. He didn't do it last night, I am thankful!
We're staying home today and I really want to pay attention to him and see if I can get this figured out. If it is gas, then I can hold him certain ways that might help, I want to see when he is getting fussy and see if there is any pattern to it. Like I said, Matt and I would really like to stay away from the medicine, we're going to watch him a couple of days and see if it gets any better. He doesn't do it all day, but here and there. We just don't want to label him as having colic and let him cry, we want to fix the problem.
1. She thinks the rash all over his face and head is baby acne. She said it can cover baby's face, be on their ears, in their hair, and at the base of thier neck. She said it can even cover their body. If it's not gone within two weeks, I am supposed to call her back.
2. I also talked to her about Christian possibly having reflux. I can hear him regurgitating his milk sometimes and then gagging on it and then swallowing it again. After he does this a couple of times, he gags very loudly and then spits it up all over me! On Sunday, he cried for awhile after he did this. The nurse talked to the doctor and she called in a prescription for prevacid. I'm not sure if we're going to go get it though. It's a proton pump inhibitor, so it would cut off his stomach acid. In theory, this acid is going up and down with his milk and is burning his chest. He is not even 6 weeks old yet, I would hate to start giving him medicine already and messing things up so soon. BUT on the other hand, if it would help with his fussiness, I might try it. (but I have to for at least a month.)
3.The other option that could be causing his fits are gas. I've taken about everything I can out of my diet and he is still fussy. There are some more things I could take out, but the nurse mentioned getting some gas drops. I am more apt to try this before the prevacid.
4. She says he is wheezing because his voice box is still under-developed, which I knew.
5. He also has a hard time catching his breath sometimes at night, she said that babies often put thier toungues on the top of their mouth and then it takes them a little bit to breath normal again. He didn't do it last night, I am thankful!
We're staying home today and I really want to pay attention to him and see if I can get this figured out. If it is gas, then I can hold him certain ways that might help, I want to see when he is getting fussy and see if there is any pattern to it. Like I said, Matt and I would really like to stay away from the medicine, we're going to watch him a couple of days and see if it gets any better. He doesn't do it all day, but here and there. We just don't want to label him as having colic and let him cry, we want to fix the problem.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sleep Wanted
If anything else I am eating is bothering you, please let me know.
I am now going to add tomatoes to my list of things to avoid.
In addition to milk, soy, anything spicy, caffeine, and carbonated beverages.
I would like some sleep again.
And please, if you have reflux, let me know that too. I'm getting tired of getting spit up on two hours after you eat. I also wish you would stop choking and gagging, it's kind of scary.
Also, if you know why you broke out in a rash all over your face and head last week that won't go away, you can let me in on that little secret too.
your mother
If anything else I am eating is bothering you, please let me know.
I am now going to add tomatoes to my list of things to avoid.
In addition to milk, soy, anything spicy, caffeine, and carbonated beverages.
I would like some sleep again.
And please, if you have reflux, let me know that too. I'm getting tired of getting spit up on two hours after you eat. I also wish you would stop choking and gagging, it's kind of scary.
Also, if you know why you broke out in a rash all over your face and head last week that won't go away, you can let me in on that little secret too.
your mother
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Dance Camp is Over
Last Friday, Megan had her last dance class. It was only a week long, but she thoroughly enjoyed it! She is convinced she is going to go during the school year!
On Friday, Matt took time off to come watch her last class. She danced for us and showed us everything she had learned.

Megan and her teacher:

Matt brought her roses!

Tomorrow we start swimming lessons for the next two weeks!
On Friday, Matt took time off to come watch her last class. She danced for us and showed us everything she had learned.

Megan and her teacher:

Matt brought her roses!

Tomorrow we start swimming lessons for the next two weeks!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Too Funny!
To preface this, I need to say that we watched "Shrek" this afternoon.
Tonight as I was getting supper ready, the girls were playing on the fireplace. Courtney was dressed up as a bride.
Courtney asked Megan, "Do I look like a bride?" and Megan said back, "You don't look like a bride, you look like a nasty, old ogre."
I chuckled to myself and then made Megan apologize for being mean. :)
Tonight as I was getting supper ready, the girls were playing on the fireplace. Courtney was dressed up as a bride.
Courtney asked Megan, "Do I look like a bride?" and Megan said back, "You don't look like a bride, you look like a nasty, old ogre."
I chuckled to myself and then made Megan apologize for being mean. :)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Goal for Today
After dance class today, we NEED to clean the girls' bedrooms. (and the hallway leading to their bedrooms!)
I have come to the conclusion that they like them messy!
I think they like their rooms when they are clean because they have more room to play, but once they get everything out again and the floor is covered in toys, they leave it and move onto another room.
I have also come to the conclusion that they are especially messy this summer. I don't think they were this bad during the school year when Megan was at school. We have been home most of the summer and all the girls have done is played. They have kept themselves entertained quite well, but at the expense of the house. There are toys in every corner of every room, including the master bedroom.
Matt and I are trying to come up with a system to get the girls to clean up their mess, without the whining, complaining, and crying.
I know what is coming this afternoon!
I have come to the conclusion that they like them messy!
I think they like their rooms when they are clean because they have more room to play, but once they get everything out again and the floor is covered in toys, they leave it and move onto another room.
I have also come to the conclusion that they are especially messy this summer. I don't think they were this bad during the school year when Megan was at school. We have been home most of the summer and all the girls have done is played. They have kept themselves entertained quite well, but at the expense of the house. There are toys in every corner of every room, including the master bedroom.
Matt and I are trying to come up with a system to get the girls to clean up their mess, without the whining, complaining, and crying.
I know what is coming this afternoon!
Tornado Siren
I wanted to post this last night...
Next time the tornado sirens go off, I would love Matt to be home with us!
It was a challenge getting all three kids plus a dog into the basement bathroom last night. And not knowing what was going on.
We were eating supper and I noticed it turning dark really fast. As I turned the TV on, the sirens went off. I didn't watch to see what was going on, I just got the kids downstairs as fast as I could!
While we were hiding out, I kept coming upstairs to watch TV, but then the kids would yell, "Mom, what is taking you so long?" I said, "Just stay down there, I'm watching the weather!"
And yes Matt, I know you were at a work meeting and really couldn't come home in the middle of it. Yes, I would rather have you in a basement during a tornado siren than racing home to be with us. We were fine, but I am very thankful that you came home as soon as the storm passed!
Next time the tornado sirens go off, I would love Matt to be home with us!
It was a challenge getting all three kids plus a dog into the basement bathroom last night. And not knowing what was going on.
We were eating supper and I noticed it turning dark really fast. As I turned the TV on, the sirens went off. I didn't watch to see what was going on, I just got the kids downstairs as fast as I could!
While we were hiding out, I kept coming upstairs to watch TV, but then the kids would yell, "Mom, what is taking you so long?" I said, "Just stay down there, I'm watching the weather!"
And yes Matt, I know you were at a work meeting and really couldn't come home in the middle of it. Yes, I would rather have you in a basement during a tornado siren than racing home to be with us. We were fine, but I am very thankful that you came home as soon as the storm passed!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Uncle Chad and Courtney
No more private lessons...
I took Megan to dance today and she started class with just her and her teacher.
I had a little situation with Courtney so I had to take her out in the hall a bit (we were watching Megan), when we came back, there was another girl there dancing with Megan!
I asked the instructor afterwards and she said that this girl, who was probably a year older than Megan, was her preschool class helper and the instructor asked her if she wanted to join the class.
I think this will be better for Megan, I think she liked being by herself, but yet she didn't. I think she felt pretty good about herself today; the teacher had Megan show this new girl the dance. She said, "You be the leader Megan, you know this already."
Now she will have somebody to dance with on Friday!
I had a little situation with Courtney so I had to take her out in the hall a bit (we were watching Megan), when we came back, there was another girl there dancing with Megan!
I asked the instructor afterwards and she said that this girl, who was probably a year older than Megan, was her preschool class helper and the instructor asked her if she wanted to join the class.
I think this will be better for Megan, I think she liked being by herself, but yet she didn't. I think she felt pretty good about herself today; the teacher had Megan show this new girl the dance. She said, "You be the leader Megan, you know this already."
Now she will have somebody to dance with on Friday!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Dance Class

Since I know some of you are wondering, Megan absolutely LOVED dance class today.
When I talked to the instructor last week, she said it was a pretty small class, so I assumed it had 2 or 3 kids at least. NOPE!
We showed up today a little bit early to get her signed up and when it got to be about 12, nobody else had come. I asked the instructor if there was anybody else in her class and she said no. Megan was the only one! She said that usually the City of Omaha (who puts these classes on at community centers) requires that there are at least 6 kids in a class, but the instructor didn't seem to care! She still gave Megan a class.
Here's what we get: Megan gets PRIVATE ballet lessons for 45 minutes each day, five days for $25!!
I stayed there with Megan today and she was giddy the entire time! The instructor said she has perfect feet for ballet and complimented Megan the entire time. She said she has lots of potential and picked up everything very quickly! She was impressed! (I don't know if she was just saying this, but it was very nice of her!)
I asked her if it was ok that she just taught Megan and she was great with it! So, we are going back tomorrow for some more private ballet lessons!
If anybody is going to be in Omaha Friday around 12, she will be performing the dance she is learning this week. If not, I will be taking plenty of pictures and hopefully some video!
Megan is already begging me to sign her up for dance this coming school year!
When I talked to the instructor last week, she said it was a pretty small class, so I assumed it had 2 or 3 kids at least. NOPE!
We showed up today a little bit early to get her signed up and when it got to be about 12, nobody else had come. I asked the instructor if there was anybody else in her class and she said no. Megan was the only one! She said that usually the City of Omaha (who puts these classes on at community centers) requires that there are at least 6 kids in a class, but the instructor didn't seem to care! She still gave Megan a class.
Here's what we get: Megan gets PRIVATE ballet lessons for 45 minutes each day, five days for $25!!
I stayed there with Megan today and she was giddy the entire time! The instructor said she has perfect feet for ballet and complimented Megan the entire time. She said she has lots of potential and picked up everything very quickly! She was impressed! (I don't know if she was just saying this, but it was very nice of her!)
I asked her if it was ok that she just taught Megan and she was great with it! So, we are going back tomorrow for some more private ballet lessons!
If anybody is going to be in Omaha Friday around 12, she will be performing the dance she is learning this week. If not, I will be taking plenty of pictures and hopefully some video!
Megan is already begging me to sign her up for dance this coming school year!
Why don't I drink coffee?
I just can't seem to wake up today. And with 3 kids already up, I need to get going!
We have a big day ahead of us. Megan starts dance today!
I just can't seem to wake up today. And with 3 kids already up, I need to get going!
We have a big day ahead of us. Megan starts dance today!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Are we ready to jetski??
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Christian and Megan

1. look like Matt, therefore, they look like each other.
2. have blue eyes.
3. were 21 inches long at birth.
3. were 21 inches long at birth.
4. are tall and skinny.
5. like to be rocked to sleep.
6. have milk intolerance.
(we're still wondering about Christian, but pretty sure)
7. like to sleep in their swing.
8. like to listen to music as they sleep.
9. had to be forced out of me at delivery time! (induced)
10. were born in the evening.
11. were born on the 10th!
Megan's birthday is November 10th and Christian's is June 10th.
Both pictures were taken when they were about a month old. What do you think? Do they look alike?
No Pictures Lately. :(
Sorry I have been unable to post pictures lately.
My computer is in my bedroom and Mr. Christian has been napping in my bedroom, therefore I try to stay out of there.
Hopefully today I can get them downloaded off my camera today and put up.
Christian is starting to fill out and change looks plus my girls have been doing some fun stuff too that I would like to share.
Stay tuned!
My computer is in my bedroom and Mr. Christian has been napping in my bedroom, therefore I try to stay out of there.
Hopefully today I can get them downloaded off my camera today and put up.
Christian is starting to fill out and change looks plus my girls have been doing some fun stuff too that I would like to share.
Stay tuned!
Friday, July 9, 2010
I survived!
I just survived taking all three kids to Walmart to get groceries! (and baby and birthday presents)
Actually it wasn't too bad. I went over the expectations in the car before we even went into the store. I told them what would happen if they were bad and what would happen if they were good.
Well, since the older two girls were so good, they got a sundae from McDonalds on the way home.
Christian slept the entire time, so that made it good too!
I know this won't happen every time, but for today, it was awesome!
Actually it wasn't too bad. I went over the expectations in the car before we even went into the store. I told them what would happen if they were bad and what would happen if they were good.
Well, since the older two girls were so good, they got a sundae from McDonalds on the way home.
Christian slept the entire time, so that made it good too!
I know this won't happen every time, but for today, it was awesome!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
All Signed Up!
Megan is thrilled! She is signed up for dance AND swimming lessons!
Matt stopped by the community center yesterday and got Megan signed up for swimming lessons. I feel bad that we are doing evenings AND that we are doing them at an indoor pool, but I think it is for the best. I know outdoor public pools do them in the evening, but they are further away from our house and I don't want to be sitting out in the heat and bugs with a 6 week old.
I also called to sign her up for dance, but the lady said to just come a couple minutes early next Monday to sign her up. She said it is a small class, which is great. I just want Megan to try it and MAYBE we can sign her up for dance during the school year.
When I told Megan this, she ran upsairs and put her leotard and tights on and started dancing around the house- she is excited!!!
Matt stopped by the community center yesterday and got Megan signed up for swimming lessons. I feel bad that we are doing evenings AND that we are doing them at an indoor pool, but I think it is for the best. I know outdoor public pools do them in the evening, but they are further away from our house and I don't want to be sitting out in the heat and bugs with a 6 week old.
I also called to sign her up for dance, but the lady said to just come a couple minutes early next Monday to sign her up. She said it is a small class, which is great. I just want Megan to try it and MAYBE we can sign her up for dance during the school year.
When I told Megan this, she ran upsairs and put her leotard and tights on and started dancing around the house- she is excited!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Dance or swimming lessons?
I am delaying housework, can't you tell?
Since Christian is about a month old and I am feeling pretty good, I feel like we can FINALLY get our summer started. One thing I really want my girls, especially Megan, to do this summer is to take swimming lessons. I started calling around today to see if I could get my girls in anywhere. They start the 2nd session next week at the public pools and they fill up quickly, so I wanted to see what my options were. Well, the two closest pools only have one spot left for level 2 and none really for preschoolers. They are $40 for 8-45 minute sessions,which is fine.
My trouble was that while I was on the phone, I have a 6 year old in the background who starts to cry. I said, "Megan, what is wrong??" She responds, "I don't want to take swimming lessons, I want to take dance class. Swimming lessons are boring!" We had talked about getting her into a dance camp this summer, but we always talked about putting her into swimming lessons too!
I told her to calm down and we would see what we would find. Matt says she will not be able to ride the jetski if she doesn't take swimming lessons and I agree with him. I want to get her into dance too, but I just need to see how it will all work out.
This is what I found:
Dance Camp, Saddlebrook Community Center, 12-1 pm, all next week, classical ballet class
Swimming lessons, Montclair Community Center, 5:45-6:30 pm, starting July 19th-29th, Monday through Thursdays.
I think this will work! I can't really have swimming lessons in the morning and then rush her off to dance, so if we did swimming lessons in the evening, that might work the best! Now to go get her signed up before they run out of spots!
I'm going to feel like taxi driver the next 3 weeks- if we can make it work!
Since Christian is about a month old and I am feeling pretty good, I feel like we can FINALLY get our summer started. One thing I really want my girls, especially Megan, to do this summer is to take swimming lessons. I started calling around today to see if I could get my girls in anywhere. They start the 2nd session next week at the public pools and they fill up quickly, so I wanted to see what my options were. Well, the two closest pools only have one spot left for level 2 and none really for preschoolers. They are $40 for 8-45 minute sessions,which is fine.
My trouble was that while I was on the phone, I have a 6 year old in the background who starts to cry. I said, "Megan, what is wrong??" She responds, "I don't want to take swimming lessons, I want to take dance class. Swimming lessons are boring!" We had talked about getting her into a dance camp this summer, but we always talked about putting her into swimming lessons too!
I told her to calm down and we would see what we would find. Matt says she will not be able to ride the jetski if she doesn't take swimming lessons and I agree with him. I want to get her into dance too, but I just need to see how it will all work out.
This is what I found:
Dance Camp, Saddlebrook Community Center, 12-1 pm, all next week, classical ballet class
Swimming lessons, Montclair Community Center, 5:45-6:30 pm, starting July 19th-29th, Monday through Thursdays.
I think this will work! I can't really have swimming lessons in the morning and then rush her off to dance, so if we did swimming lessons in the evening, that might work the best! Now to go get her signed up before they run out of spots!
I'm going to feel like taxi driver the next 3 weeks- if we can make it work!
Monday, July 5, 2010
You know when...
You know you're behind on dishes when it takes two loads through the dishwasher and there are still dishes left on the counter!
You know the kids are tired of being at home when they look at you and say, "Can we go play somewhere? Can you call somebody for us, PLEASE??" (my kids don't get bored around here much!)
You know mom has a lot to do when the kids beg to watch a movie and I say, "Go ahead!"(usually I say no). Baby is sleeping, maybe I can get caught up on some of the housework!
You know you have laundry to do when Matt first gets pooped on by a bird and then gets spit up on by his baby!
You know the kids are tired of being at home when they look at you and say, "Can we go play somewhere? Can you call somebody for us, PLEASE??" (my kids don't get bored around here much!)
You know mom has a lot to do when the kids beg to watch a movie and I say, "Go ahead!"(usually I say no). Baby is sleeping, maybe I can get caught up on some of the housework!
You know you have laundry to do when Matt first gets pooped on by a bird and then gets spit up on by his baby!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Much Better!
Mr. Christian got my message!
I got him to bed around 10 last night (after standing outside doing fireworks with the neighbors for awhile). I didn't see him until 3:30 and then not again until 6:30! I like this schedule! (except that once he is up at 6:30, he is up for awhile, which means I am up for the day).
Now it's about naptime for him, hopefully he'll take 2-3 hour naps like yesterday, he was a much happier boy!
On a side note, Matt has decided to start taking each of his girls out for breakfast on Saturday mornings. Today is the first day and him and Megan are "trying" to leave. Matt was up early and Megan was up at 7, they got dressed, then Matt couldn't find his shoes. Once he found them, they were ready. They then went to leave and the van won't start!! NOOO, I need my van!
So now he is moving her carseat to the truck and hopefully they can get off to some daddy/ daughter bonding time! Next week he'll take Courtney.
We have a neighborhood 4th of July event at 10:30, so hopefully they'll be back by then.
I got him to bed around 10 last night (after standing outside doing fireworks with the neighbors for awhile). I didn't see him until 3:30 and then not again until 6:30! I like this schedule! (except that once he is up at 6:30, he is up for awhile, which means I am up for the day).
Now it's about naptime for him, hopefully he'll take 2-3 hour naps like yesterday, he was a much happier boy!
On a side note, Matt has decided to start taking each of his girls out for breakfast on Saturday mornings. Today is the first day and him and Megan are "trying" to leave. Matt was up early and Megan was up at 7, they got dressed, then Matt couldn't find his shoes. Once he found them, they were ready. They then went to leave and the van won't start!! NOOO, I need my van!
So now he is moving her carseat to the truck and hopefully they can get off to some daddy/ daughter bonding time! Next week he'll take Courtney.
We have a neighborhood 4th of July event at 10:30, so hopefully they'll be back by then.
Friday, July 2, 2010
What would you do?
So, what would you do if your 3 year old refused to pick up her room?
I offered to help her, but I wanted her to help too, which she was refusing to do.
So, I gave her until I was done nursing Christian to get busy...and guess what she did? Had a fit instead.
So, I got 6 trash bags and picked up everything for her.
Wow, did that make her mad. I told I was not going to throw it all away, but put it away and she would need to earn it back. (Now how do I do that ??)
I offered to help her, but I wanted her to help too, which she was refusing to do.
So, I gave her until I was done nursing Christian to get busy...and guess what she did? Had a fit instead.
So, I got 6 trash bags and picked up everything for her.
Wow, did that make her mad. I told I was not going to throw it all away, but put it away and she would need to earn it back. (Now how do I do that ??)
Dear Mr. Christian...night time is for sleeping!
Dear Mr. Christian,
Night is a time for sleep, not to be awake! You have been doing so well lately, what happened last night??
We had him out and about yesterday afternoon and about 7 last night, he just crashed. Shortly later, he woke up and just SCREAMED at us, Matt got him back to sleep and he was still sound asleep at 10. I woke him up, fed him, and put him down for the night.
I thought I wouldn't see the little guy until at least 3 or 4, but he was up again at 1! Ok, not so bad, but then he was up again at 3:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 4:30! I think since he had been sleeping since earlier in the evening, he wasn't tired anymore. And when he is awake at night, he just lays in bed and grunts. So, every minute or so, I'm rolling over and putting his pacifier back in his mouth. I would rather listen to him sucking on a pacifier than grunting!
Back to sleep he goes...finally. But we are back awake at 6:30. I change and feed him and put him back to bed. I try to go back to sleep, but he starts grunting again. Mr. Man, go to sleep!! He finally did go back to sleep until about 8 or so. I got him up and changed and by 8:45, he was begging to eat again. Ok, ok, I give up. I feed him and he's been sleeping again since about 9.
If only I could go back to sleep!
Let's fix this tonight, I'm tired!
Night is a time for sleep, not to be awake! You have been doing so well lately, what happened last night??
We had him out and about yesterday afternoon and about 7 last night, he just crashed. Shortly later, he woke up and just SCREAMED at us, Matt got him back to sleep and he was still sound asleep at 10. I woke him up, fed him, and put him down for the night.
I thought I wouldn't see the little guy until at least 3 or 4, but he was up again at 1! Ok, not so bad, but then he was up again at 3:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 4:30! I think since he had been sleeping since earlier in the evening, he wasn't tired anymore. And when he is awake at night, he just lays in bed and grunts. So, every minute or so, I'm rolling over and putting his pacifier back in his mouth. I would rather listen to him sucking on a pacifier than grunting!
Back to sleep he goes...finally. But we are back awake at 6:30. I change and feed him and put him back to bed. I try to go back to sleep, but he starts grunting again. Mr. Man, go to sleep!! He finally did go back to sleep until about 8 or so. I got him up and changed and by 8:45, he was begging to eat again. Ok, ok, I give up. I feed him and he's been sleeping again since about 9.
If only I could go back to sleep!
Let's fix this tonight, I'm tired!
Thursday's adventures
Some things I did yesterday (but didn't get to blog about it last night):
1. Went grocery shopping with 3 kids! Ok, so my mom came along otherwise I don't think I would've attempted this! The last time I went was the Tuesday before I had Christian, so it's been about 3 weeks. Our fridge was empty, we should be well stocked by now!
By the time I got done, I was exhausted! Again, I am only 3 weeks postpartum, I had to sit down for awhile when I got home.
2. I decided to take milk completely out of my diet. Mr. Christian has been fussy here and there lately, one night, he screamed at us from 6-9 pm! I'm going to take it all out for a couple of weeks and see if he improves. I'm not sure if it is milk, hunger, naptime, etc. You just never know with newborns! But with history of MSPI in my family, it's my first thought!
3. I was very happy with Christian Wednesday night/ Thursday morning. He was only up once! I put him to bed about 9 and didn't see him until 3 and then again at 6:30! I'm not sure if he'll keep this up, but I like it!
1. Went grocery shopping with 3 kids! Ok, so my mom came along otherwise I don't think I would've attempted this! The last time I went was the Tuesday before I had Christian, so it's been about 3 weeks. Our fridge was empty, we should be well stocked by now!
By the time I got done, I was exhausted! Again, I am only 3 weeks postpartum, I had to sit down for awhile when I got home.
2. I decided to take milk completely out of my diet. Mr. Christian has been fussy here and there lately, one night, he screamed at us from 6-9 pm! I'm going to take it all out for a couple of weeks and see if he improves. I'm not sure if it is milk, hunger, naptime, etc. You just never know with newborns! But with history of MSPI in my family, it's my first thought!
3. I was very happy with Christian Wednesday night/ Thursday morning. He was only up once! I put him to bed about 9 and didn't see him until 3 and then again at 6:30! I'm not sure if he'll keep this up, but I like it!
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