Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Numb, numb, numb

Yes, that is how I feel right now. I was at the dentist for over 2 1/2 hours today getting a temporary crown and a cavity filled. I swear, I sat that there and did nothing for at least half the time! Our dentist is very good and I like him a lot (plus it doesn't hurt when he numbs you up!) He had some emergencies that came in the middle of it all, so I sat and watched TV while I waited. I rarely watch TV at home, so this was great, plus they had cable (which we don't have at home), so it was fun to flip through all those stations again and watch shows from the 80's.

After about 2 hours though, I was DONE being at the dentist and I was done watching TV...and he still hadn't gotten to my filling yet! I had taken a couple bathroom breaks, but didn't walk around much. I was ready to get out of that chair and leave...Eventually he came back and filled it in about five minutes.

Word of warning: don't get a cavitiy in one of your front teeth. It felt like he was drilling through my teeth, I jumped a couple of times, it was just a wierd feeling. The crown didn't hurt at all. Plus he had to numb me up some more in the front, so then in addition to my cheek and eye being numb, my front lip and half my nose were also numb...I looked pretty pitiful when I came home...finally about 2 hours later, I feel the numbness wearing off and my face is starting to look like normal.

We have AWANA tonight and I would like to eat before I go and be able to talk normally with the kids, I think I will be ok. I don't want to do this again anytime soon!

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