Monday, March 8, 2010

How much does that cost???

So, knowing that Courtney had pink eye again yesterday morning, I started putting drops in Megan's eyes too, I don't want her to miss anymore days of school. Last week, the doctor had given me a 2nd bottle of eye drop medicine because I had ran out over the weekend. Well, I didn't quite finish putting their medicine in their eyes during the week like I was supposed to, so I am not really surprised that Courtney came down with it again.:(

After Courtney got up with gunky/ pink eyes yesterday, I am determined to get rid of it this time! I figure with two kids, four eyes each time, and drops three times a day (12 drops a day), the rest of this little bottle will not cut it for the next week, so I called the doctor today and asked if they had anymore trial bottles of eye drops (I've gone through 2 already), they said no and that they would have to call in a prescription. ugh. They did say they had a coupon for me though, so after we played with our friends this morning, we went off to the dr. office for a $25 coupon and then off to Walgreens to pick up more medicine. Once I got there, I asked how much it was, they said $100- I remind you, this is for 3 ml of medicine! With my insurance, it cut it down to $72 and then with a $25 off coupon, we're down to $47!
I really hope between my leftover bottle from last week and this new bottle, we can get rid of pink eye once and for all in my house!

The doesn't really matter how much medicine is! We're going to hit our deductible with the new baby coming in June, so one way or another, we're going to pay it!

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