On one Thursday a month, Megan's daisy troop meets together to learn and to do a project. Last Thursday, it was time for them to meet and I got asked to come along and help with the girls. While I was there, I decided to take a few pictures!
On this particular Thursday, it was about 60 degrees out, so their troop leader decided to take a walk to the neighborhood gazeebo to learn about taking care of the environment and about being healthy.
A picture of Megan's Daisy troop after we got to the gazeebo (Megan is in the back with her head down):
On this particular Thursday, it was about 60 degrees out, so their troop leader decided to take a walk to the neighborhood gazeebo to learn about taking care of the environment and about being healthy.
A picture of Megan's Daisy troop after we got to the gazeebo (Megan is in the back with her head down):
Once there, their leader gave them a healthy snack of bananas and let them decorate their own water bottles. She said that part of being healthy is drinking a lot of water. Here are some girls decorating thier bottles.

After their bottles were done, the daisy leader had them plant seeds in little biodegreadable cups. I didn't get any pictures of this, but I did get Megan watering her plants.

After all the flowers were planted, the troop leader let them write on the sidewalk. They drew out Hopscotch and the the girls played it for awhile. What a good way to exercise!

To finish off Daisy's for the day, the leader led them in some stretching exercises. The girls thought these were fun!

Soon the parents came to pick the girls up and Daisy's was over for the month of March- see you in April!
I didn't know Daisies was a once monthly get together. That's pretty cool! The pictures were neat too! Their shirts are cute. I didn't realize until today that I could click on the picture to enlarge it. That's cool!