Saturday, March 6, 2010

27 Weeks

Yes, I am now 27 weeks pregnant and starting to feel it!

I do have some thoughts for this stage in the game:

1. Those lovely tendons that support the baby are starting to get stretched and I can feel it quite well!

2. I go back to the dr. next week for my gestational diabetes test (28 weeks). I was fine with the other two girls, so I hope I will get the same results.

Sometimes I feel like I have a trouble with low blood sugar. When I was between 20-24 weeks, I would get weak pretty easily,espcially in the morning. I finally figured out that if I ate something, I would feel better. My problem was that I ate too much and gained 7 pounds in 4 weeks! My midwife said I was fine, but she also acted like that was too much in a month. I am hoping I don't repeat that. I'm not eating as much this month because I don't feel as weak, but I did weigh myself last week and I had already gained 5, so we'll see what happens next week!

3. Speaking of weight, I really hope this boy is the size of my girls (one can hope, right?) I am almost up to the weight that I gained with each girl and I still have 3 months to go! Yikes! Luckily I drop baby weight pretty easily after it's all over.

4. Another reason I am concerned about the baby's weight is that I want to deliver naturally again. For those of you who don't know, I don't get epidurals. Needles in my back scare me. If they could put it in anywhere else, I would probably go for it. I also don't do any medicine in my IV, I've heard scary stuff about that, so I don't go for that either. I do it all without a drop of pain medicine and yes, it hurts really bad!

Since I've done it twice and know how bad it hurts, I am concerned about doing it again. I want to do it again, but I just need to prepare myself. I need to start reading up on natural births and get my mind set on it again. It is a mind game with me.

My concern with the baby's weight is that if he is about Megan's size (8 lb. 12 oz) or littler, I may be able to do it, BUT if I have a baby bigger, I am a little concerned.

5. With 3 months left, we still don't have a room even close to being ready! We are going to put the baby in Matt's office and in order to that, we need to finish him an office in the basement (our basement was completely unfinished when we bought the house last year). Matt is working very hard on the bathroom in the basement and said he is going to do his office next.

I told him if the new office doesn't get it done and we are unable to move his desk/ computer down there before the baby is born, then I at least need a dresser somewhere (place for clothes, diapers, changing pad) and a place for the baby to sleep. This will suffice for at least two to three months. After that, I kind of need the baby's room. And it needs to be painted blue of course with cute trucks all over the walls!

6. Courtney is still not convinced there is a boy in my tummy. When people ask her, she's says, "It's a girl." A couple of my friends have had baby boys lately and she shows interest, so we'll see what happens. She loves to go shopping for baby clothes. She always says, "Mom, is this for a boy baby or a girl baby? You should buy this for our baby." It's very cute!

Until next week! (for a baby update anyway)

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