Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hematologist Appointment
That was about all I got out of my appointment yesterday! (I wonder how much that cost!)
Monday, March 29, 2010
30 Week Appointment
Weight- I gained another 3 pounds(up to 26 so far) and I asked my midwife what she thought. She just noticed that I would gain a little, then a lot, then a little, then a lot. She made it seem like I was fine. She said my goal weight gain should be between 25-35 pounds, so I think I'm right on track. She also mentioned a few things I could do to not gain as much, those were to drink skim milk instead of 1% and don't eat oranges/ bananas because they are full of carbohydrates.
Glucose Test- At 28 weeks, I took my glucose test and passed. At this appointment, we went over my numbers. Normal glucose numbers are between 80-100, mine were at 71. My midwife said that this makes me more susceptible to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. I was not surprised! I have been having trouble with low blood sugar this whole pregnancy (pretty much my entire life), so this was not new news to me, nobody had ever confirmed it before. She said to just make sure I am eating every couple of hours.
Measurement- I measured the same as I did two weeks ago- 30 cm, so my baby is right on track. She thought it would be another 8 or 8 1/2 pound baby, I can do that!
Platelets- I have a doctor appointment this afternoon to see my hematologist. My platelets at 28 weeks were 106K and at 29 weeks, they were 107K. She said they don't like them below 100K and the midwives just want to make sure that somebody knows about my platelet count, like a hematologist. She said they can do short-term steroids (prednisone) or give me platelets at delivery time, but this would be up to the hematologist. She also mentioned that I may not be a good candidate for an epidural (I don't plan on getting one anyway) because your platelets need to be above 100K or you can bleed in your spinal column. I at least liked having the option of drugs or not!
Iron- Usually my iron levels are low, but this time they were normal. Yay!
Baby's movements and heartbeat were good also!
I have my 32 week appointment in two weeks, I am really eager to start getting baby boy's room put together, but we are still working on the basement. I am hoping to get pictures posted soon of the progress. Matt is working hard and the bathroom is almost done, next job is the office!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
1st Place!
Here is her team from Brookside Church before the competition (they had to have at least 5 girls on the team):

Megan's team after they won first place. Megan is the third person in on the second row (she's kind of behind some kids).

Matt, Megan, and Courtney after the competition:

Megan said she had a great time. She only got to play in about half the games (I think because she's only a kindergartener), so she didn't get to play a lot, but she said that was ok and she still wants to do it again next year!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Let's go fly a kite!
Here is Matt getting the kite ready to fly:
Here it goes:
He got it to fly! The girls thought this was soooo neat!
Pretty soon, the girls got cold and a soccer team was starting to practice at the soccer fields, so we thought we should head home. We were there for about 45 minutes, I think the girls would love to do it again!
What was that??
We're off to the midwife this morning for our 30 weeks check up and then out to lunch with a friend of mine. My dentist appointment yesterday went fine. They popped off my temporary crown and put my new one on, but I must say, something is not quite right yet. They ground it down so it would fit and my bite is good, I just can't pinpoint what is bothering me yet. They said this crown should last at least 15 years. If I take care of it, it should last a lifetime. We'll see about that!
Tomorrow Megan is participating in Sparks-a-rama here in Omaha. Every Wednesday night at Sparks, Megan's group has a game time. Every spring, churches from around Omaha put teams together and meet at a high school and play these games against each other, this is called Sparks-a-rama. We signed Megan up this year. We told her we would like her to do it this year and if she didn't like it, she didn't have to do it next year (our experiment child). Last Saturday she had practice and had a great time! The Sparks-a-rama is tomorrow morning at Papillion South High School. We have to be there at 9:45, so no sleeping in for us! I think it will be a great time!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Dress Shopping
While we were there, we also found a set of matching dresses for the two girls. They were white with flowers on them with really cute straps. Megan's dress (size 8) wasn't long enough and on Courtney's (size 5), the straps kept falling off of her shoulders. They were also a little see-through. I said sorry girls and we moved on. I think they were a little diappointed, but once we left the dressing room, they seemed to have forgotten about them.
Our next stop was the mall. JCPenneys has nice dresses, but yet again, they had lots for Courtney and barely anything that would fit Megan. As we walked around the mall, we stopped in at Justice. I told them I'm looking for a size 7/8 for Miss Skinny Minny (Megan) and I said I want to pay under $20 if possible. They said their dresses are about $40,but it was 40% off right now, so they made it sound like a great deal...unfortunately, no dresses again.
Alright, we're done looking for dresses! We went to Payless and bought Megan some new sandals. Courtney again, didn't get any, even though she tried plenty of them on! I can take her shoe-shopping anytime, not so much the case with Megan because she is in school everyday.
Lastly we ended up at the food court for supper. It was a very nice evening with the girls, they were very well behaved and listened well, but sometimes I wish Megan wasn't so skinny and I could find clothes to fit her! I'm not sure when or where our next stop will be...
2:30 am
So I get up (Matt said, "I got up last night!) and helped her change her pajamas, get a drink and get back to bed. She coughed for another 45 minutes before she stopped. Then of course, I couldn't get back to sleep.
Would it really be ok to give her some cough medicine??? I know they took it all off the shelves and you can only give it to 6 year olds and older, but seriously? I need some sleep!
(Yes, I know in about two months, I will be up 3-4 times a night nursing a baby, but let me get my sleep while I can!!)
On a different note, I get my permanent crown put in this morning. No more temporary crown! I just hope they can get it off now. I haven't had any trouble since they re-glued it back on a week and a half ago. Tomorrow I see my midwife for my 30 weeks appointment, then next Monday is my hematologist appointment. Fun, fun!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Little visitor last night...
Megan goes back to bed, Matt goes back to bed, (I never got up), and Courtney lays down on her bed, and we all try to go back to sleep. Matt and Megan are out right away. But Courtney and I are up for a little bit longer. Courtney has had a runny nose lately, so she coughs, and coughs and coughs. I give her four or more drinks of water, she has her kleenex, but it keeps going. Ahhh, stop!!! Eventually, she stops coughing and falls asleep and so do I. I wonder why we're all a little tired this morning.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Why are there still AWANA books on my kitchen counter from last Wednesday and sprinkles from our St. Patty Day cupcakes from last Thursday there too?
Why are there dirty socks behind my bookshelf in my living room? Courtney?? (don't worry, she used to throw her dirty underwear behind her dresser!)
Why is there a whole basket full of the girls' things downstairs when they belong upstairs?
Why does Courtney cut up paper and leave it in the middle of the living room floor? Scissors and all?
Why is there basement constuction items in my kitchen and living room?
Why are there wrappers from snacks all over the couch?
Why do I like Mondays again?
Hematologist Appointment
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A Day out with the Daisy's!!
On this particular Thursday, it was about 60 degrees out, so their troop leader decided to take a walk to the neighborhood gazeebo to learn about taking care of the environment and about being healthy.
A picture of Megan's Daisy troop after we got to the gazeebo (Megan is in the back with her head down):
Once there, their leader gave them a healthy snack of bananas and let them decorate their own water bottles. She said that part of being healthy is drinking a lot of water. Here are some girls decorating thier bottles.

After their bottles were done, the daisy leader had them plant seeds in little biodegreadable cups. I didn't get any pictures of this, but I did get Megan watering her plants.

To finish off Daisy's for the day, the leader led them in some stretching exercises. The girls thought these were fun!

Soon the parents came to pick the girls up and Daisy's was over for the month of March- see you in April!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Platelet Update
They recommended that I go see a hematologist. I said, "I've already seen one about all this, I'll give her a call!" So, hopefully next week I can get in to see her and see what she wants to do about this!
Garage Wars
For quite some time, Matt and I have been "fighting" over the trash can in the garage. It sits between my van and his car, so whenever I have to go to that side of the car to put Megan in, I shove the trash can where his car goes. When he needs to get into his car, he shoves it into van (whether it is there or not). We've been doing this for awhile now and it is kind of annoying, especially now that I am getting bigger. :)
Last week after the trash men came, he just left the can outside, which I thought was GREAT. Well, last Tuesday after the trash men came, he pulled it back into the garage and put it back between the car and the van. Ugh! So when we came home Wednesday night from AWANA, I had to get Megan out of the car, so I shoved it into his car. Thursday morning, he went to leave, he must've just pushed it a little bit to the van, I didn't have to get Megan in or out, so I didn't see where it was.
Yesterday, he beat me home. This gave him the opportunity to shove the can all the way into my parking spot! Right in the middle!! I got home and saw it and just left my car outside for the night. This morning, I left and the can was still in my spot. Well, just now when I got home, I decided to play a little joke on Matt. Instead of getting out and moving the trash can back where it was supposed to go in order to get my van in the garage, I just pulled into his parking spot! HAHA, joke's on you!! Courtney and I both thought it was pretty funny, I wish I could see his face when he comes home tonight and sees my van in his parking space and the trash can in my spot!! What will he do then???

Thursday, March 18, 2010
St. Patrick's Day!!
Since Megan doesn't have any green clothes to wear and I wanted her to wear something green to school, she came up with the idea that we should put pigtail braids in her hair with green ponytail holders. She said, "Like we did last year for preschool." I don't remember that at all!
I thought they turned out really cute! She still had them in when she came home from school, which is amazing! She usually pulls everything out before she comes home.

After school, Grandma Lu decided to pay a visit with some more St. Patrick's day fun. The girls received crazy green hats that light up.
Grandma had also brought along some chocolate cupcakes, white frosting, and green icing to decorate with. The girls had great fun doing this little project too.
Here is Megan with her cupcake:
Here is Courtney with her cupcake:
We even made some for the rest of the family:
Lastly, a picture with Grandma: After we got done decorating cupcakes, we went for a walk to the park. We played there for over an hour and then had to come home and head off to church for AWANA. What a fun day!
Hoping to write a blog about St. Patrick's day this afternoon, I took some cute pictures yesterday of the girls (and we have a St. Patty's day party this morning).
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
28 Week Appointment
I had my gestational diabetes test and I found out that I passed, so that is a good thing. I also found out today that my blood platelets have plummeted. :(
Normal platelet counts range from 150,000-400,000. When my blood was tested last Friday, my platelet count was 109,000. Two months ago, they were at 135,000 and in October, they were at 137,000.
This is nothing new to me of course because I have been diagnosed with ITP or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. (There are some nice technical words for you!). This is a blood disorder in which the immune system destroys it's own platelets. The spleen cannot make enough new platelets to make up for the ones that are being destroyed, therefore, you always have low numbers and newer-looking platelets.
In fall of 2008, I saw a hematologist because one of my doctors noticed that I always had low platelet counts for the last 5 years or so. The hematologist ordered 17 viles of blood (which was drawn all at one time!)for different blood tests. All those came back fine, so she diagnosed me with ITP. It always takes my blood a long time to clot, so it does make sense. The lower number you have, the longer your blood takes to clot. My platelets were also very big during this blood test, which means they were newer platelets.
This can be concerning during pregnancy and my midwives are going to watch my count carefully. I may have to take steroids before I deliver to get them up. They want me to come back in this coming Friday and do another complete blood count.
My midwife was also concerned about my weight gain this far. From 20-24 weeks, I gained 7 pounds and from 24-28 weeks, I gained 6 pounds. She did not like this! She says it is too much in a month- I have gained 23 pounds so far. (This is what I gained with each of my girls by the end!)
My question though is- where is all this weight?? I have people everyday say to me, "What? You're pregnant? You're so small!" or "That scale must be wrong! You don't look like you've gained 23 pounds!" I'm confused!! I don't sit around and eat junk food all day and watch TV! I try to eat healthy, but I am always hungry! My midwife told me to get active (not like cleaning your house is exercise?). She told me to get outside and take a walk. I agree, that would be beneficial, espcially if I want to go natural, but I don't want to starve myself either. I need to eat! I really think this has to do with that fact that I am carrying a boy instead of a girl this time! I would be happy with 30-35 weight gain. For this pregnancy, I started at a lower weight than I did with my girls, so few extra pounds won't hurt me. I am going to see a different midwife in two weeks and see what her opinion is on it!
Oh, and I am also measuring 30 cm when I am 28 weeks pregnant! (still normal, but I should be measuring 28) Yikes! Maybe this will be a big boy!
Monday, March 15, 2010
"Unofficial" due date
June 14th is my "unofficial" due date. My "official" due date is June 4th, but since I am more than likely to go overdue, I make the date 10 days overdue and count down to that one.
Here's my history:
Megan was 14 days overdue.(induced)
Courtney was 8 days overdue.(went on my own!)
I don't want to go 14 days again (risk factors), but I know my midwives will let me go 10, so I am adding 10 days to my due date and calling it my "unofficial" due date. I really want to hold out as long as I can and hope that I can go into labor on my own. I don't want to be induced again (but if I have to, I would, it's just a much harder labor).
So, I am "unofficially" due three months from yesterday!
(Then when I think about my real due date, it just sounds so much better!)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Family Movie Night

We had seen this movie in the theatres about a year ago and Matt and Megan had recently read the chapter book together, so we ordered it from Netflix and watched it! Matt and Megan sat there the whole time and discussed the differences from the book and the movie, Courtney watched it, and I tried to keep my eyes open. I think I caught the beginning and the end of the movie last night.
After movie night, the girls usually have a slumber party. One girl pulls the crib mattress into the room of the other girl and they sleep in the same room together. I don't know what we're going to do when the crib mattress needs to go back to the crib in a couple of months! The girls look forward to slumber parties every week! I love it that they enjoy being best friends and look forward to their time together on these nights!

More trouble!
I called the dentist this morning and they said to reattach it with vaseline, don't chew on that side, and come back in Monday to have them re-attach it! Seriously, can we just put the new one on already??
Friday, March 12, 2010
Little Miss Courtney must've taken them off the computer desk (where is where I left them last) and put them in a bowl and then put the bowl/ eye drops in the box with all the kitchen toys!! She was just playing with her kitchen stuff and I heard, "I found them!" I said, "What did you find?" She replied with, "The eyedrops!!"
Today's mission is...
I hope we don't get pink eye back again before I find them...they have to be around here somewhere!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Back to the dentist...
I also went to the dermatologist today and she looked at my mole that was bleeding last weekend. She said it must've gotten scratched or something because it looked fine. She offered to take it off (even though it didn't need to come off), but I said I was in enough pain yesterday and I'm not ready to be numbed up with another needle again. Maybe another day...
My midwife appointment also got moved from today to tomorrow, so I have my gestational diabetes test tomorrow. Maybe then all these crazy doctor appointments will be over!
When half the kids aren't even at the bus stop yet, you are too early!
Why do you always come early when it is snowing out? Don't you know that it takes longer to get the bus stop through the slush? Please, come on time tomorrow.
I will give you credit, at least you wait for the kids who are dashing out of thier houses to catch the bus to school. All five of them.
Megan's mom
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Numb, numb, numb
After about 2 hours though, I was DONE being at the dentist and I was done watching TV...and he still hadn't gotten to my filling yet! I had taken a couple bathroom breaks, but didn't walk around much. I was ready to get out of that chair and leave...Eventually he came back and filled it in about five minutes.
Word of warning: don't get a cavitiy in one of your front teeth. It felt like he was drilling through my teeth, I jumped a couple of times, it was just a wierd feeling. The crown didn't hurt at all. Plus he had to numb me up some more in the front, so then in addition to my cheek and eye being numb, my front lip and half my nose were also numb...I looked pretty pitiful when I came home...finally about 2 hours later, I feel the numbness wearing off and my face is starting to look like normal.
We have AWANA tonight and I would like to eat before I go and be able to talk normally with the kids, I think I will be ok. I don't want to do this again anytime soon!
I'm not too anxious to get the day started anyway...I cracked a tooth about 2 months ago and my dentist wouldn't fix it because I was only in my 2nd trimester. He wanted to wait until my 3rd trimester, just as a precaution (even though my midwife said it was fine to fix in my 2nd). Since I will be 28 weeks on Friday, I scheduled my appointment for today to get my temporary crown and to fill a cavity. I am scheduled to be there for two hours. UGH!!!
Tomorrow I have my gestational diabetes test in the morning with my midwife and then in the afternoon, I am going to the dermatologist to get a mole taken off my back. I've had this mole forever and it was bleeding last weekend, so I am just going to go and have them take it off...again, we're going to hit our deductible this year, so it doesn't really matter!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Silly Girls!
Change of Shower Time
We have our yearly AWANA ceremony at 4 pm at our church. Our girls have worked hard all year memorizing Bible verses and will both receive their awards. Matt and I are also club leaders, so we need to be on stage and help hand out awards.
I think if we start the shower at 1, we should be done by 3-3:30 and have plenty of time to get to church. We would change the day, but there are really no other dates to change it to with Palm Sunday/ Easter/ other showers/ Mother's Day/ graduation/ etc.! It's a busy time of year!
If any aunts/ grandmas/ friends want to come to the awards ceremony, please do so- the girls would love to you have there...especially if you are in town anyway. :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
How much does that cost???
After Courtney got up with gunky/ pink eyes yesterday, I am determined to get rid of it this time! I figure with two kids, four eyes each time, and drops three times a day (12 drops a day), the rest of this little bottle will not cut it for the next week, so I called the doctor today and asked if they had anymore trial bottles of eye drops (I've gone through 2 already), they said no and that they would have to call in a prescription. ugh. They did say they had a coupon for me though, so after we played with our friends this morning, we went off to the dr. office for a $25 coupon and then off to Walgreens to pick up more medicine. Once I got there, I asked how much it was, they said $100- I remind you, this is for 3 ml of medicine! With my insurance, it cut it down to $72 and then with a $25 off coupon, we're down to $47!
I really hope between my leftover bottle from last week and this new bottle, we can get rid of pink eye once and for all in my house!
The kicker...it doesn't really matter how much medicine is! We're going to hit our deductible with the new baby coming in June, so one way or another, we're going to pay it!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
It's back...
That means no church/ Sunday School for her this morning! She will be so sad. (I'm being sarcastic, she always cries when we drop her off at Sunday School, even though she has a blast!)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
27 Weeks
I do have some thoughts for this stage in the game:
1. Those lovely tendons that support the baby are starting to get stretched and I can feel it quite well!
2. I go back to the dr. next week for my gestational diabetes test (28 weeks). I was fine with the other two girls, so I hope I will get the same results.
Sometimes I feel like I have a trouble with low blood sugar. When I was between 20-24 weeks, I would get weak pretty easily,espcially in the morning. I finally figured out that if I ate something, I would feel better. My problem was that I ate too much and gained 7 pounds in 4 weeks! My midwife said I was fine, but she also acted like that was too much in a month. I am hoping I don't repeat that. I'm not eating as much this month because I don't feel as weak, but I did weigh myself last week and I had already gained 5, so we'll see what happens next week!
3. Speaking of weight, I really hope this boy is the size of my girls (one can hope, right?) I am almost up to the weight that I gained with each girl and I still have 3 months to go! Yikes! Luckily I drop baby weight pretty easily after it's all over.
4. Another reason I am concerned about the baby's weight is that I want to deliver naturally again. For those of you who don't know, I don't get epidurals. Needles in my back scare me. If they could put it in anywhere else, I would probably go for it. I also don't do any medicine in my IV, I've heard scary stuff about that, so I don't go for that either. I do it all without a drop of pain medicine and yes, it hurts really bad!
Since I've done it twice and know how bad it hurts, I am concerned about doing it again. I want to do it again, but I just need to prepare myself. I need to start reading up on natural births and get my mind set on it again. It is a mind game with me.
My concern with the baby's weight is that if he is about Megan's size (8 lb. 12 oz) or littler, I may be able to do it, BUT if I have a baby bigger, I am a little concerned.
5. With 3 months left, we still don't have a room even close to being ready! We are going to put the baby in Matt's office and in order to that, we need to finish him an office in the basement (our basement was completely unfinished when we bought the house last year). Matt is working very hard on the bathroom in the basement and said he is going to do his office next.
I told him if the new office doesn't get it done and we are unable to move his desk/ computer down there before the baby is born, then I at least need a dresser somewhere (place for clothes, diapers, changing pad) and a place for the baby to sleep. This will suffice for at least two to three months. After that, I kind of need the baby's room. And it needs to be painted blue of course with cute trucks all over the walls!
6. Courtney is still not convinced there is a boy in my tummy. When people ask her, she's says, "It's a girl." A couple of my friends have had baby boys lately and she shows interest, so we'll see what happens. She loves to go shopping for baby clothes. She always says, "Mom, is this for a boy baby or a girl baby? You should buy this for our baby." It's very cute!
Until next week! (for a baby update anyway)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Sun is Shining....but that can only mean one thing- mud!
If you were wondering, I can get almost everything out of clothes except mud and chocolate ice cream!
Update: Courtney's pants came out clean! Happy day!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
words from a 3-year old...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Baby shower?
Sunday, April 25th at 2 pm
I can't wait! (and neither can baby boy because I'm SURE he doesn't want to wear pink!!)
Bring on the blue!!
-Now if we can only talk Courtney into the fact that there is a BOY in my tummy and not a girl!
School today...
Her good friend was also back from a two week trip to China, so maybe that made her day good too. :)