Thursday, September 1, 2011

Preschool Time!

This morning we had preschool orientaiton for Courtney. I know she's already 5, but I can't believe it's time for her to go to preschool. Half of me just wants to keep her home with me!! BUT I know preschool will do her a world of good! She is going to be forced to go by herself, without Megan, and make some friends. I know she will grow up tremendously!

One day at lunch, I told her exactly why she was going to preschool. She was complaing to me about going and saying that she wanted to homeschool with Megan. I said, "Courtney, every time I drop you off some place by yourself, you cry. If you wouldn't cry every time, then maybe I wouldn't make you go." She looked at me with this odd sort of face and I think she was thinking, "You mean if I stop crying, I don't have to go." I think she realized it!

But today went very well! She met her teacher and saw her classrooms. She has the same teacher Megan had, but there is nobody in her class that she knows! I think the first day may be a challenge, but this is the whole point! She needs to do this on her own! After we got home today, she had a very positive attitude about preschool. She told Megan all about the rooms and what she was going to play with the first day. She told us about her cubby and what color it is. I'm glad we're not complaining anymore.

Like I said, half of me wants to keep her home. I love being around her! She cracks me up all day long! The other day she told Matt that she thinks people have black skin because they smoke. We talk a lot around here about how smoking is bad for you and turns your lungs black. I never told her that it turns people's skin black! She is the other half of Megan's "serious" personality. I'm going to miss her, but preschool is only Monday/ Wed/ Friday mornings, so it won't be bad. It's not kindergarten yet! I think it will work out great because that will be a perfect time to homeschool Megan!

We'll see what we decide to do for kindergarten. Maybe she'll be home with me next year!

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