Sunday, September 18, 2011

Interesting Day :)

Couple interesting things happened today.

1. We were at church this morning and somebody who didn't know we were homeschooling asked me how Megan was enjoying school. I told her we were homeschooling and she asked me how it was going. I said it is stressful for the moment. She didn't offer me encouragement, but she told me I should enroll Megan back in public school! I told I wanted to give it until Christmas, but she said it would be much better to enroll her now, while they were still establishing routines, than at semester break. I tend to differ.

She also asked why we pulled her out. I told her our main reasons were because they go to school 10 months out of the year and she is there all day without any time to be a kid. Her response was that there was PLENTY of time to be a kid at school. I just laughed, she must not know the Millard system very well, I know her kids go to OPS. Our conversation about "downtime" went something like this.

Her: "They get recess."
Me. "Yes, but only 20 minutes once a day and half the time it is indoors."
Her: "They have lunch."
Me. "Yes, only 25 minutes."
Her, "They get downtime when standing in line."
Me. "Haha!" (ok, I didn't say this. :) When I sit up there in the office and watch the kids walk through the halls while Megan is in art class, they don't get to speak a word. Megan's school is very quiet, which is good, but there is no downtime while they are line! I just kind of chuckled to myself on this one!

I am not against public school at all. We just wanted to give homeschooling a try. We might need to send Megan back if stress gets the best of me, but Matt and I both want homeschooling to work. I wish there was more "down time" but I know schools want to pass their standarized tests, so they teach every minute that they can.

She also told me that she likes it that her kids go to school. She loves her kids dearly and enjoys them when they are home, but she says school is good for them. I agree! I always feel like I am on the defenses when it comes to this subject. I put my kid through public school for two years, I understand! School did wonders for Megan! There are a few things I know she is missing out on, but she's also gaining some things by being at home. It's a give and take situation. I guess it is about your priorities and what you want to emphasize when it comes to your kids' education.

2. After we got home from church (and rejustified ourselves on the way home about why we were homeschooling and maybe some ways to change the schedule so I can destress a little bit), we changed our clothes and about 4, headed downtown. The Open Door Mission had a walk-athon this afternoon. We parked our car about a mile away and then walked the mile to the mission. This is the exact path that the homeless men take everyday when they go there. The theme was, "I walked a mile in their shoes, did you?" Christian rode in his stroller and the rest of us walked.

Once we got to the open door mission, we ate some soup and bread and then we went on a tour of the Lydia House and the new apartment building they just opened. I really want to do service projects down there with my girls as part of homeschooling and I thought this was a perfect opportunity to learn what the open door mission was all about. The girls came on the tour and we talked about it. I was impressed with the programming and buildings down there and I am anxious to volunteer there really soon! I think they girls are too!

I think that is all the interesting stories I have for today. Megan has art class in the morning and Courtney has preschool. I am taking Megan to art first so she can get there early, then I am going to drop Courtney off. I need to run some errands in the morning. I was talking to Matt today about giving up my gym membership. It's nice and all, but instead of meeting up with homeschooling groups, I feel I need to go to the gym since I am paying so much for it. I really need to find some support! I am also not getting other things done like I need because I am going to the gym. Yes, I love my time to myself, I love exercising, and the kids enjoy it but I have plenty of other things to keep me busy that don't cost so much. I'll give it another week or so and then make a decision.

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