Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Catch-Up Day

After being gone camping last weekend and starting homeschooling full-time today, I had much to do today!

We brought everything from camping in last night when we got home, but today was the day to put it all away plus wash all the laundry. We cleaned everything out of the camper because we think we are going to winterize it and put it away for the year. I pulled all the blankets and sheets off the beds and brought all the food home. Anything that I don't want in there for the winter, I brought home yesterday. Today, I had to find a place to put it all. I think I got that job about done.

As for laundry, I am still working on it.

In the middle of sorting through all the camping stuff, today was the first day that we were going to do everything for school in one day instead of splitting it between two days. Well, we didn't quite make it through everything. As I sit here, I know that we did not get math, handwriting, or our copywork done for school today. We simply ran out of time.

We were supposed to do a math, handwriting, and a lesson from our readers on Friday. That day got away from me because I was packing and getting groceries and we didn't get to it. I told myself that we would do it last night when we got home. We didn't pull in until 8 pm last night (Not to mention we had another math, handwriting, and a reading lesson for yesterday). So, we didn't get to it then either. So now we are 2 lessons behind in those three subjects.

Right away after breakfast, I pulled out Megan's math and we did a lesson. Ok, one down, 2 more to go because with today, we added yet another math, handwriting, and reading lesson.

After doing one lesson in math, I decided to get everybody through the bath. So that was done by about 11. About that time, they were all playing in the piano room, so I thought the two little ones could keep playing and I could do some more school work. I got out Megan's Bible lesson for the day and did that, which took until about 12 because we had some "bad attitude" in the middle of it. (I keep telling her we could get done fast if she would just get busy and stop wasting time!).

About 12, we were all starving, so I made lunch. About 12:45 lunch was over and the girls decided to paint. I needed some time to clean up, get laundry switched around, and get Christian down for a nap, so I said ok. They painted for awhile and about 1:15, I said we need to get back to school. We read outloud in our readers and then I read a chapter out of her chapter book. This took til about 3 (we did a couple lessons out of the readers since we were behind a couple of days).

About 3:30, we had snack and since it was nice out, I thought we should go outside for a walk. We were outside until about 5. I had full intentions of working with Megan again while I made supper. My goal is not to get behind!

Well, this didn't work out because Mr. Christian came down with a 101.3 degree fever! At one point, I handed him over to Matt so I could do some more work with Megan, but she wasn't having any of it! I got some attitude again and I had to get supper ready, so I gave up. I gave her a handwriting assignment that she didn't want to do, so I let it go. I didn't have time to argue and get supper and deal with a sick baby.

So we had supper and then it was off to clean bedrooms and go to bed! School is over and I still had 3 subjects yet to do. :(

Courtney starts preschool tomorrow, so I might just bring Megan and Christian back home and we can catch up on school work. I was going to go to the gym, but with Christian's temperature, he can't go in their childcare.

Not only do we have to catch up from today, but we have to do all of tomorrow's lessons too! Yikes!

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