Friday, September 9, 2011

What do you get when...

you have spent all week homeschooling and haven't cleaned the house?

Ruwe Family Fun Cleaning Night!

Just for the record- it about 2 1/2 hours to clean up last night.
An hour for the downstairs- piano room, living, room, kitchen, which included vaccuuming!
While I vaccuumed, we sent the girls up stairs to start on the playroom. This took almost an hour and a half! It was almost 10 pm by the time everything was clean!

My thought- Why can't we do this every week? Why do I work hard everyday to keep the house clean when we can all pitch in and get it done in a couple of hours? Now I don't have the time to keep it up.

I will say though, the playroom was out of control and I could tell the girls were getting tired of cleaning by the end, so it probably didn't have to take soooo long. But we always tell them, "You made the mess, you clean it up." Or "If you wouldn't make it such a mess to start with, there wouldn't be so much to clean up." Maybe they'll get it someday. The problem is when they clean up every night, they have learned to just throw things in the corner and thus making a bigger mess for later. The floor is clean, but their art supply corner is a disaster or the closet or the dresser where we store toys. They put the books in front of the bookshelf instead of on the bookshelf. We'll see how long it stays clean this time.

One of our main reasons for cleaning was that Megan is having a friend from school over to play this afternoon. I love having people over- it gives me the incentive to clean the place up! Who wants to come over next week??

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