Thursday, August 18, 2011

Think, Think, Think!!

Today I was almost ready to pull my hair out because of some decisions of my lovely girls. I just wanted to say, "Think, think, think!"

Example one: Megan was getting a little rough with Christian and I had already told her to stop many times, so I put her in the recliner to separate her from him. (This worked for a little bit until Christian came up to her and started egging her on again!). While she was sitting there, Courtney walked by her so Megan stuck out her leg and tripped her!

Next thing I know, Courtney is laying on the ground, holding her elbow, and crying pretty hard. There was a tool box laying beside the recliner and I saw Courtney hit it with her elbow out of the corner of my eye. I looked at Megan, very livid, and said, "Why did you do that??" She responsed with, "I don't know." I sent her to her room. She can't damange anything or anyone there.

After I cooled off and she had some time by herself, I went back up to talk to her about her actions because this is not the first time she has tripped Courtney. I told her she needs to think about her actions because they have real consequences! Like broken elbows!!

Example 2: While Megan was having some time in her room, I went back into the kitchen to finish the dishes. I heard Courtney open the gate on the steps and head up. She's always very good about shutting it so Christian doesn't go up. I knew Christian was over by the steps too, but again, I thougth he was fine. Pretty soon I hear Courtney say, "Mom, come get Christian. He's on the steps." I had assumed the gate was closed and he was climbing the outside of the steps. I go into the living room and he is almost all the way to the top of the staircase and Courtney is at the top encouraging him! She had let the gate open and watched him climb up! Again, she got the, "Why did you let the gate open and let him crawl up?" Her response was, "I don't know." I told that if he would've fell, he could've really hurt himself on the cement tile at the bottom of the steps. I told her, just like I had just told Megan, that we need to think about our actions before we do them!.

Hopefully we will make better decisions tomorrow!

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