Thursday, June 3, 2010

Put your order in...

I have been hearing so many comments lately of when I should and shouldn't have this baby...I just needed to write them down!

1. I should have this baby on June 4th, my midwife told me yesterday that this was her birthday and she has only delivered one baby on her birthday in all her years of being a midwife.

2. I should not have this baby on Saturday, June 5th, because my mother-in-law has two catering jobs.

3. I should have this baby on Sunday, June 6th, because it is my younger brother's birthday.

4. I should have this baby before Tuesday, June 9th because Matt's brother and his wife are leaving that day and going out of town for a week.

5. I should not have this baby on Wednesday, June 10th because that is mine and Matt's anniversary and this year, it is our 10 year anniversary.

6. I should not have this baby on Wednesday, June 10th because Matt's sister comes back from Ukraine that day.

7. I should have this baby before Monday, June 14th because some good friends are going out of town for that week and their daughter is SUPER excited to meet the new baby.

8. I should have this baby early enough to make it to a wedding on Saturday, June 19th and a bapstism on Sunday, June 20th.

So, if anybody else has an order they would like to put in about when I should or should not have this baby, please let me know, I am finding this all quite comical!!

(And please, nobody take offense to this! I am just having fun!)


  1. I want you to have the baby when I'm done with my office in the basement. =)

  2. Too funny Matt, let's just keep him in there until that is done!!!

  3. You can have your baby on June 5, June 6, June 12 or June 13. But yeah, after June 14 we will be gone for a week.

    If you have your baby next week please do so before 1 PM and/or after 5 PM Monday through Friday as that is when Fiona will be in Camp Kindness with her cousin.

    BTW, June 9th is our 9 year wedding anniversary.

    I guess Matt better get to crack-a-lackin' on his office in the basement! LOL

    Cute Post Charla! Anyone that takes offense to it doesn't have a sense of humor.

    Now go put your feet up OR walk! :]

  4. Anytime is good for me. ;) Come out little man. There's a bunch of people awaiting your arrival.
