Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last Day of School!

I'm up early this morning, thanks to a GREAT nights sleep and it is Megan's last day of school today! We were supposed to get out last Wednesday, but thanks to four extra snow days we have to make up, we're in school until today!

I'm hoping to get pictures during the day to document it, she has had a great year and has learned SOOOO much! It is amazing what they learn in kindergarten! She had a great teacher and made some great friends! She will have the same teacher next year, so that is good. She is a very serious, strict teacher, but all the kids love her and she knows what she is doing!

She gets out at noon today, so I am going to go pick her up and maybe take her out for lunch somewhere. It will be nice having her home again! But I also want to make sure we keep in touch with her friends over the summer and keep her reading/ math skills up. Her teacher already warned us that they will lose their skills over the summer and has told us that we need to come up to school every week to get books from her to read. Last week, Megan brought home packets of math worksheets to work on over the summer (I told you, she is very serious about her job and her students' learning!). I think Megan has them half done already. :)

Anyway, I will post more later after school is out!

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