On Friday, we got invited to a customer appreciation party by Carlson Wealth. Matt's sister-in-law works there, so we all got a chance to go. Christian and I stayed home because it was about 98 degrees out and 100% humidity! Matt took the girls and they had great fun. There was a jump station, face painting, ice cream, food, glow sticks, and much more for the kids to do. Fireworks rounded off the evening. The girls were excited because they got to ride in a school bus to and from the event, Before they left, Megan said, "I have connections with a school bus!" (During sharing time this last year at school, the students would always ask "Do you have any comments, questions, or connections?" after they shared. Megan realized that she has connections because she rode the school bus every day to school last year. )
I heard the fireworks from my house and they were done about 10:15, the girls and Matt got home about 11:15 and they rushed into my room and showed me their arms. They had both gotten pictures painted on them! Matt put them to bed quickly and we were off to bed ourselves (except Mr. Christian decided it was time to eat about 12, so of course, I'm the last one to sleep!)
Courtney, the girls who hates bugs, had them draw a caterpillar on her arm!

On Saturday, we had another wedding in Lincoln. We got everybody dressed up and off we went. I think we were the last ones to walk into the church, but it's ok, we were only a minute or two late. :) The bride hadn't walked down the isle yet! And of course, Megan had to move her spot in the pew because she couldn't see the bride!
After the wedding, we drove downtown to the reception. Here, Megan and Courtney could not wait to start dancing! We had to wait awhile to eat before the dance started and all I heard was, "I'm starving!! When can we eat??" And then when it was our turn, they didn't each much! (By the time we left, they were starving again!)
I felt like I was in the bathroom about 50 times during the evening! If I wasn't nursing a baby, then it was taking one potty, then washing hands, then back to change a diaper, etc. All night long! But I didn't feel bad, I kept seeing all the other moms in and out of there too!
Megan was in the bathroom one time by herself and she came out and said, "Mom, the bride was in the bathroom!" She was in awe with her, she said, "She even helped me turn the water on!" She was pretty excited to see the bride up close!
Once the dance started, the girls were out on the floor dancing away. They were having a great time! We left about 9:30 and got home about 10:30. Another late night for the girls.
Matt and Megan dancing together:

Shannon, Melissa, and Rowan dancing to "My Girl":

Today, it was back to church, where we hadn't been since we had Christian. It was nice getting back and seeing everybody again. Then of course, we had to go to CiCi's for lunch and now it's home to relax! Ahhh. Wait, and maybe move Matt's desk to the basement because his room now has walls painted, a ceiling up, and a floor down. He made great progress this week!
We had loads of fun on Friday night...The girls were great! You must be excited about maybe just maybe getting a nursery ready finally!