Wednesday, June 9th, my midwife stripped my membranes because I was 2 1/2 cm dilated. This put me into labor when I was pregnant with Courtney, so I assumed it would work again! NOT! A few contractions here and there but nothing worth calling in about...
Thursday morning at 2:32 am, I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom. As I got up out of bed and felt a braxton hicks contraction like usual, but I also felt my water break! I told Matt what happened and tried to get back to sleep. (I am going to leave out a lot of detail here!) I was hoping again that labor would start this time, I had a few contractions here and there, but again, nothing that put me into full labor.
I tried to get back to sleep, but couldn't. At 5 am, Megan came screaming into our bedroom. She had a dream that our house had burned down and she was really upset about it! She sacked out on our floor and again, we tried to get back to sleep.
But, that didn't happen. Megan didn't get back to sleep, I was wide awake, and Matt was up at 6. What an early morning! By 6:30 am, I decided to get up and so did Megan. We ate breakfast and at 7 am, Megan and I were making cupcakes. Since my water had broke, I assumed I would be having the baby that day and the girls and I had bought the items we needed to make "happy birthday" cupcakes for the new baby.

We got those done with Courtney's help and pretty soon it was 8 am. I told myself I was going to call my midwife at 8, a new midwife came on call and I figured I would be dealing with the new one, so I waited until then. After getting ahold of someone (the office was moving to 192nd and Dodge clinic that day, so I couldn't get ahold of anybody for awhile), they told me they wanted me to come in at 10 to make sure my water had really broken and to come up with a plan.
We got the family ready and took off for the doctor. Matt and the girls sat in the hallway and read books while my midwife checked me out. She did a test to see if my water really broke, but couldn't really tell. She also examined me and said I was still 3 cm and about 80% effaced. She said we had a couple of options. My first option was to go right off to the hospital to get induced, her other option was to give me a little bit more time to see if I would go into labor on my own. She said that if you haven't gone into labor 4-6 hours after your water breaks, then you probably won't ever go into labor. She also mentioned that she sees this pattern a lot- someone strips membranes, water breaks, and then there is no labor and the mom has to be induced.
Since it was already 8 hours past my water breaking, she sounded pretty doubtful that I would go into labor, but she would give me some time. She said if I am not in labor by 2-3 pm, I need to go to the hospital and get induced.
This is not what I wanted to hear! I did not want to be induced and was working towards everything not to be, but there didn't seem like I had any options. She said she didn't want to risk infection. So, she gave me her phone number and told me to call her later.
We left the doctor's office and I was pretty depressed, but I was certain I could still get myself into labor within 3 hours. We stopped at Westroads Mall and walked around about 45 minutes and then sat and had lunch (because I had the house all clean). I had a few Braxton-Hicks contractions while walking, but no real ones.
During lunch Matt and I talked about our options. I knew there was no way I was going to be in full labor by 2 pm. He mentioned that maybe we should just go home, finish packing up the girls, take them to our friends house, and just go get induced. We had been up all night and we thought the earlier we got going with the baby, the earlier we could be done. I figured this was probably the right decision, even though I didn't want to do it! So we headed home and went on with our plan.... See next post.
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