Wednesday, June 30, 2010
What is that now??
I think it's time to load them up and take them down to the park!!
What is that on the floor?
I guess my kitchen floor needs a good mopping anyway!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Writing Thank-you's
Well, it took her 45 minutes to write 4 thank you's tonight! Each one was about 9-10 words! She complained, stopped writing, whined, got off her chair, misspelled words, delayed, delayed, delayed!!
Ahhh, I told her when it comes to her birthday, she needs to write every one! (Ok, I might help her because there will be quite a few, but tonight, I only asked her to write 4).
I really think this was an important lesson for her, not in just in thanking people for what they had given her, but also in how to write short letters. We learned where to put commas, apostrophes, which words to capatilize and how to word sentences. Everything she needs to know in the future (and things her teacher told us to work on over the summer).
My favorite and not-so-favorite parts of the day
My girls singing "Proud to be an American" in the car on the way to the Children's Museum.
My not-so-favorite part of the day:
We were at the Aldrich library picking out books and Courtney says, "I don't want that one, it has black people on it." Courtney Grace!!! I couldn't believe it! I've never had trouble with her before making remarks, so I don't know where this came from!
We checked this book out anyway because apparently Courtney needs to learn a lesson!
(This is one of the not-so-good benefits of living in West Omaha where there is not much diversity!)
Monday, June 28, 2010
My goals for the day were to:
1. do the dishes and clean the kitchen- got the dishes done and half the kitchen clean
2. do some laundry- check
3. wash my comfortor because somebody spit up on it this morning- check
4. finish writing thank-you's-check
5. go get some kid-friendly thank-you's so Megan and Courtney can write thiers- check
6. take books back to the library and get some more- check
7. go to Aldrich and exchange books with Megan's teacher- check
8. give piano lessons- check
9. feed a hungry baby every 2 hours- check
10. make sure older two girls are happy- check
Maybe tomorrow- clean girls' bedrooms! (How come this is ALWAYS on the list??)
We are going to go play at the Children's Museum tomorrow, so maybe household duties will have to wait!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
On my own with three kids...
Last time he talked about work, it was the morning that Christian was born. My water broke at 2:30 and around 7, when he usually leaves for work, he said to me, "Should I go to work today?" I said, "No, I think we're having a baby." That was awhile ago...but I told him he accomplished a lot on his vacation. We had a baby and he almost finished his room in the basement!
I will sure miss him being home with us! I will need lots of patience starting tomorrow!
Busy Weekend
On Friday, we got invited to a customer appreciation party by Carlson Wealth. Matt's sister-in-law works there, so we all got a chance to go. Christian and I stayed home because it was about 98 degrees out and 100% humidity! Matt took the girls and they had great fun. There was a jump station, face painting, ice cream, food, glow sticks, and much more for the kids to do. Fireworks rounded off the evening. The girls were excited because they got to ride in a school bus to and from the event, Before they left, Megan said, "I have connections with a school bus!" (During sharing time this last year at school, the students would always ask "Do you have any comments, questions, or connections?" after they shared. Megan realized that she has connections because she rode the school bus every day to school last year. )
I heard the fireworks from my house and they were done about 10:15, the girls and Matt got home about 11:15 and they rushed into my room and showed me their arms. They had both gotten pictures painted on them! Matt put them to bed quickly and we were off to bed ourselves (except Mr. Christian decided it was time to eat about 12, so of course, I'm the last one to sleep!)
Courtney, the girls who hates bugs, had them draw a caterpillar on her arm!

On Saturday, we had another wedding in Lincoln. We got everybody dressed up and off we went. I think we were the last ones to walk into the church, but it's ok, we were only a minute or two late. :) The bride hadn't walked down the isle yet! And of course, Megan had to move her spot in the pew because she couldn't see the bride!
After the wedding, we drove downtown to the reception. Here, Megan and Courtney could not wait to start dancing! We had to wait awhile to eat before the dance started and all I heard was, "I'm starving!! When can we eat??" And then when it was our turn, they didn't each much! (By the time we left, they were starving again!)
I felt like I was in the bathroom about 50 times during the evening! If I wasn't nursing a baby, then it was taking one potty, then washing hands, then back to change a diaper, etc. All night long! But I didn't feel bad, I kept seeing all the other moms in and out of there too!
Megan was in the bathroom one time by herself and she came out and said, "Mom, the bride was in the bathroom!" She was in awe with her, she said, "She even helped me turn the water on!" She was pretty excited to see the bride up close!
Once the dance started, the girls were out on the floor dancing away. They were having a great time! We left about 9:30 and got home about 10:30. Another late night for the girls.
Matt and Megan dancing together:

Shannon, Melissa, and Rowan dancing to "My Girl":

Today, it was back to church, where we hadn't been since we had Christian. It was nice getting back and seeing everybody again. Then of course, we had to go to CiCi's for lunch and now it's home to relax! Ahhh. Wait, and maybe move Matt's desk to the basement because his room now has walls painted, a ceiling up, and a floor down. He made great progress this week!
Vacation Bible School!
It went Monday through Thursday from 6-8 pm. This was perfect time for us! I saw some churches that had it from 9-12, but I didn't think we could make it, we're not out of bed til 9 on some days!
I thought this would be a good thing for the girls to do. We haven't done much this summer besides have a baby and the girls have been at home a lot. We haven't been to the spray park, swimming pool, camping, or anything yet. I thought this would give them a break from the house and give them something fun- and boy did they have fun!
We signed both girls up and they ended up being in the same class together. Courtney was technically supposed to be in the preschool class, but they put them together on accident. I think it was good though- Courtney could stick next to Megan and I think Megan likes playing "mother" to Courtney. It was good for everyone, except one night, Courtney came out and said, "Mom, I didn't make any friends my size!" There was only one other girl and two boys in their class. And Courtney was even dancing with one of the boys on Wednesday night!
Hats they made one night:
During Bible school, they learned a Bible verse, had a bible story, did a craft, sang songs, and had crafts. My girls loved every minute of it! On Thursday night, they had a program for all the parents to come and watch. We invited Chad, Kelsey, Andrew, and Laura to come because it was right by where they lived and they all came over (except for Kelsey) and watched the girls sing!
The kids standing up front for the short program:
For the final song, the kids came back to their spots and everybody sang "The Boomerang Express" together. Chad helped Megan sing, Laura helped Courtney sing, and Andrew held Christian!
Picture of Chad and Megan after the program:
Finally a picture with Megan and Courtney's teacher. I asked Megan what her name was and she didn't know..I don't know either! Whatever her name is, she did a great job with my girls).
Thursday, June 24, 2010
My two week post-partum checkup
Everything is healing nicely, I will say without much details.
My platelets have soared- 174,000!! I don't ever remember them being above 150,000. My blood pressure was lower than usual and I even had them check my blood sugar. I have been having mini dizzy spells, so hopefully it's just that. I am hypo-glycemic already (low blood sugar), so I need to make sure I'm eating carbs or a protein every couple of hours.
I was reminded today that I am still only two weeks post-partum and can't be doing everything yet. I've been doing more lately around the house than usual and can feel it.
I am SOOOO ready to be done with recovery and get everything back to normal. I want to have the energy and stamina to walk to the park again! I feel like I am depriving my children of the short summer that they have. I can't even take them swimming yet because I am still recovering and might be for another month or so.
As for my weight, I have lost 20 pounds and have 16 more to go! Come on! I am ready to wear something besides gym shorts! I can get my jean shorts on, but I just can't breath in them and I don't want to go buy new ones, but I just might for the time being!! After I had Courtney, I was back into them by the 3rd day after delivery. Again, my midwife said to me today, "It is your 3rd one!" AHHH, I've heard that enough!
Christian's 2 Week Checkup
Weight- 9 lbs. 6 1/2 oz. 65%
Height- 22 1/2 inches 97%
Head- 14 3/4 inches 55%
He was 9 lbs. and 21 inches at birth- he's a growing boy!
We took another CBC and his platelets have gone up even more- they were at 237,000 today! We're in the normal range! No more blood draws! His feet can finally heal.
The doctor checked him out and said he looks great. We talked about MSPI for a little bit and he thought if I took straight milk out of my diet, he might be good to go. He said milk products are probably ok. I'll try that!
The doctor said he doesn't need to see him until his 2 month checkup, which is in August. Our regular pediatrician will also be back from maternity leave by then, so we'll be seeing her at the new 192nd and Dodge location.
I got Christian's 2 month, Courtney's 3 year, and Megan's 7 year checkups all scheduled today. I don't want to go back to our office for awhile, I've been there every other day for the last two weeks!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Why won't he sleep??
He's been kind of cranky lately, I think I've had too much milk in my diet and that might be why. He is reminding us of what Megan was like when she was a baby- before I took milk out of my diet. We are going to take it out again and see if it helps! I bet it will!
Matt is working hard on his room in the basement and has the walls painted and the ceiling is going up today. I can't wait to get Christian his own room. It's a challenge to put him down for a nap in my bedroom and then the girls go in and bother him, sometimes without me knowing! They also have all their art supplies in our sitting room and they like to play in there. And of course, they can't play quietly!
I am hoping to get Matt's office moved downstairs within a week (or so) and then start painting Christian's room- I definitely want to paint it blue and decorate it for him! We know we are staying in this house for a long time, so we can do something permanent. (Unlike when we did the girls' rooms in the old house, we knew we weren't going to stay, so we didn't do a lot.) I am anxious to get his crib up and have a place to put everything. We are debating his theme- cars, tractors (red of course), sports? I think this will be fun!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Current Platelet Count
Way to go Christian!!
The normal low for today is 226,000 so we are only 26,000 away from being normal!
Happy Day! Now only if he can hold this number for a week, we should be set!
"Real" Outings this Weekend
My good friend Stacy, who I taught with at Bryan Middle over 7 years ago, got married on Saturday. I knew about her wedding for a long time already, even before I was pregnant with Christian. All along, she knew my due date and said, "You better make it to my wedding!" I told her I would really try, but with my two week overdue date a day before her wedding, I told her I couldn't guarantee anything.
Lucky for her, Christian came earlier than I thought, so we were able to go to her wedding. I got out of my gym shorts/ t-shirts and found a dress that fit, put make up and jewelry on, and actually felt like facing the world again! We got the girls/ boy dressed and off we went!
We only attended the ceremony though and afterwards, we went out to Valentino's (why cook when I don't have to!) and then we went to Menard's for awhile. Needless to say, I am still recovering and by the end of the night, I was hurting! We came home and went to bed!
On Sunday, we had my nieces baptism in Lincoln. We have known about this since about April/ May, so we knew we would have a busy weekend. Again, we got the girls up, got dressed up and headed off to Lincoln. It was a very nice service and we saw Rowan get baptized. Unfortunately, right in the middle of it, Christian decided to wake up and that he would need to be fed. Since we have been home since he was born, I haven't really had to find places to feed him. We're not really good at covering up with a blanket yet, so off I went to find a private place to nurse. I soon returned to the service and everything finished up.
Afterwards, we had a luncheon at a local apartment complex, which was also very nice. Shannon and Melissa did a great job hosting the party and it was fun that my brothers, sister-in-laws, nieces, and grandma got to meet Christian for the first time.
Here are some pictures from the party:
My parents plus Shannon, Melissa, and Rowan:
All six grandkids now! 5 girls and one boy
Rowan on Megan's lap, Abby, Lizzie, Courtney holding Christian
Our family:
The whole Hasemann side- there is one more baby girl coming in November, so it's only going to get bigger!
We have another wedding next Saturday in Lincoln too, so that will be another fun adventure!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Another platelet check
Today his number was 153,000, higher than it was, but yet too low. They need to be at least 220,000 for his age.
After we got the results back, we sat down with our pediatrician and talked about Christian. After spending three hours at Children's the other night, we seem to be getting differing opinions from our pediatrician compared to what the doctors at Children's were saying.
Our doctor went through every platelet count of Christian's and explained where they needed to be, he told us what would happen if his platelets got too low, and what he thought should've happened the other night. We were told at Children's that his platelets were just fine and to go home, so we did. Our doctor thinks otherwise.
We left more worried about Christian than when we walked in. We want a healthy baby with a good platelet count, but our doctor was saying that if they get below 30,000 he could bleed through his brain and would have no blood-clotting capacities. He would then need to be in the hosptial getting steroids and platelets immediately! Sounds scary to me! This is exactly why he sent us to Children's the other night. His platelets had dropped from 160,000 on Monday to 89,000 on Wednesday. He didn't want them to drop another 70,000 and then have an emergency on our hands.
We are going to go back on Monday and check them again. He said if Christian did get my antibodies, it would take 1-2 weeks to get them out of his system. If they are not up where they are supposed to be by Monday (Christian would be about 11 days old), then we need to sit down and have a consultation with a hematologist from Children's. I would be fine with that.
He said if they continue to be low past two weeks, then we need to figure out why they are low and maybe look at his bone marrow- I didn't ask too much about this, I just hope we don't get there!
Let's just pray that his platelets come up to where they are supposed to be by Monday! If they are, then he would want to check them in a week to make sure they are stabilized. Come on Christian!
On a side note, I got information tonight that maybe Christian's 89,000 count was by a blood clot. Our doctor said they do not run CBC's if they have a blood clot, but I was also told that if blood lays still for too long, it will clot. That day, they took his blood about 1:45, but I didn't get a call until 4:30 with the results. Hmmm.
Usually, his CBC is ran right away and I can get the results before I leave the office. It wasn't done yet when I was ready to leave that day. Maybe his blood sat around for awhile and therefore clotted and we got a really low number. Our doctor doesn't think so. If only we knew! Every other time we have taken his blood, we have gotten it back right away with a higher number. It makes you wonder!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Basement Update

While waiting for the mud to dry, we had a little fun with the girls yesterday afternoon (before we ran off to the hospital.) Matt had just poured some new cement and we thought it would be fun to put some handprints/ footprints in the cement, so we did! The girls actually wanted to, even Christian got in on the fun.
Here is Megan writing the date in the cement:

Grandma Lu and Matt are putting Christian's feet in the cement:
The final product, the date, four handprints from the girls (sorry I didn't get any pictures of these), plus Christian's feet. How cute!
A Trip to Children's Hospital

Well, since baby is sleeping and the big girls are playing, I can write about what happened last night.
Yesterday afternoon, I took Christian back to the doctor for another platelet/bili/ weight check. They took his blood like always and the doctor said he would call me later with the results.
About 4:30 the phone rang and it was our doctor. He sounded very concerned, he said there was a huge change in Christian's platelet count, they had dropped from 160,000 to 89,000. This was very odd because they were going up the last few days.
He said he had already called Children's Hospital and they were waiting for us. I think he didn't know why the platelets had dropped so dramatically and that is why he wanted us to go to the hospital, he said the hospital would get ahold of a hematologist and would figure this out. He said to get up there as soon as we could.
Luckily, Matt's mom was here helping out and she just stayed with the girls. I packed an overnight bag because our doctor thought we would be there at least a night. I also packed Christian up some stuff and off we went to the hospital. And yes, I am an emotional wreck during all this!!
We got to Children's and checked in, the lady took us up to our room on the 4th floor. She showed us around and soon a resident came in and talked to us. We told her the whole situation of Christian's platelets and how they had suddenly fallen today.
We also explained that I have a mild case of ITP, which is chronic low blood platelets. I have built up an antibody that attacks my own blood platelets. When this happens, my body cannot rebuild my platelets fast enough to keep my numbers up. I explained that I probably always have had ITP, but didn't get diagnosed until October 2008. They watched me carefully during my pregnancy and my platelets never got low enough to do anything. They were even fine at delivery.
She took this all in and then seemed very confused and said, "I wonder why you are even here, 89,000 is not that low." Wow! That is great news, but then why are we here? We talked about how they had dropped so low (because that is what our doctor was worried about) and she said that with moms with ITP, the antibodies pass through the placenta and then cause the baby to have low platelets for about the first week until the baby gets rid of the antibodies. She said they usually get to the lowest point about days 2-5 and that could've been exactly what happened. Wow-what great news!
The next person that came in was the head pediatrician for the floor. The resident explained everything to her and she said they were on phone with a hematologist deciding what to do. She was at the same conclusion, 89,000 was not so bad. She said they wouldn't do a platelet transplant unless they were under 20,000 and even then, my antibodies would attack those new platelets, so we might as well let it run its course. Music to my ears!
They then sent in pathology to take another complete blood count (CBC) just to double check the count. They took it and while I was downstairs getting dinner, the pediatrician came back with the results.
Platelet count- 139,000
What? That is much higher than it was before! Well, it turns out that they were probably never low to start with. The doctor thought that when they drew his blood in the afternoon, a blood clot had developed and all the platelets went to the blood clot and caused a false number. Nice!

Christian was fine and we were free to go home! After a 3 hour stay at Children's Hospital, we are very thankful that it turned out to be nothing, but yet thankful that the doctors made the call that they did!
We did get a $4 meal for me, a package of diapers and wipes out of the deal...but who knows how much a 3 hour stay at Children's doesn't matter because we've already hit our deductible and everything after that is covered 100%!
I just wish the doctor would've said, "Why don't you come in for another CBC and we can double check his numbers?" Instead of running off to Children's Hospital. Or even if the hospital would've taken a CBC before checking us into a room...we can't question what happened, because we need to trust our doctor, especially since Christian is only 6 days old. Hopefully they will only continue to go up from here!
We were home by 9 and were able to put our children to bed and sleep in our own beds last night, I'm very thankful because I really didn't want to spend the night at a hospital!! The girls were really glad when we brought their brother back home. When we left, Megan seemed really concerned and both kept saying, "one more kiss for brother" as we were walking out the door! They really adore him!! I think he's a keeper!
Update on Numbers
Platelets- dropped dramatically to 89,000
Weight- 8 lbs. 8 3/4 oz.
Bili- Fine, never heard the exact number
Because of his low platelets, we were sent to Children's Hospital, that is for a post of it's own!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We have been watching all these numbers the last few days.
birth weight (Thursday)- 9 lbs. (ok, actually 8 lbs. 15.6 oz)
Weight when we left hospital (Saturday)- 8 lbs. 5 oz.
Weight re-check (Sunday)- 8 lbs. 5 oz.
Weight re-check (Monday)- 8 lbs. 7 oz.
We will re-check again tomorrow.
Since I have ITP, they watched Christian's platelet counts because they can cross the placenta. His platelets should be at least 150,000.
Platelet count Friday- 132,000
Platelet count Saturday morning- 133,000
Platelet count Sunday- 160,000 (Yay!!)
They said the lower it is, the better.
They usually peak on day 3, so the doctor though he peaked on Sunday, but he didn't as you can see from his numbers.
Bili count Saturday- 8.6
Bili count Sunday- 12.6
Bili count Monday- 12.9
On Monday,the doctor said he is still very yellow, the whites of his eyes were yellow along with his skin all the way down to his toes. He said there is nothing we can really do except to keep breastfeeding him to get all the toxins out of his body. Today, my mom was here and we had him out in the sun for awhile. Hopefully that will help bring them up.
We got back to the doctor tomorrow for another weight and bili check. The poor guy has so many holes in his feet from taking his blood, I feel so sorry for him! After poking him Thursday night/ Friday morning to check his blood sugar over and over, to taking his blood for CBC checks and now for bili checks, his feet are quite bruised! Hopefully this will come to an end soon!
Goals for Today
When I got up this morning, I had these goals in mind for the day. Yes, I know I am taking care of a newborn plus two other girls, so I knew these would be far-fetched, but I wanted to see what I really got done by the end of the day.
1. Do laundry! Both girls were complaining that they had no underwear left in their drawers (and they really didn't!), so I thought I should do this one for sure! Well, I found they had quite a few pairs in a basket of clean, folded laundry in my bedroom (from before I had Christian). I also found Courtney had about 10 pairs of dirty ones on her floor!
Well, I did get all the dirty clothes down to the laundry room today, but never got one load in the washer! Uh-oh, I hope nobody else runs out of clothes tomorrow!
Maybe I can run down there tonight and get a load in. I still only have a small wardrobe since I have some baby weight to lose and with a newborn who spits up, poops, etc., I go through a lot of clothes! I am pretty much living in sports shorts and t-shirts. I tried my jean shorts on the other day and I have a long ways to go. I weighed myself yesterday and I only lost 13 pounds since the day I delivered, that means I have 20 to go! And I had a 9 pound kid! I don't understand! Hopefully I can find some decent clothes around here to fit, I have a wedding and a baptism to attend this weekend!
2. Call my grandma back. She had called yesterday while we had visitors and I didn't want to interrupt our guests, so I let her leave a message. I know if I call her back, I will talk at least 20-30 minutes. Well, I haven't found 20-30 minutes to spare. If Christian is sleeping, it usually doesn't last long and I either want to do some things with my girls or get something done around the house. Maybe tomorrow!
3. Clean the girls' rooms! Last night when I went to bed, I found a broken necklace on Courtney's floor. This is when I know it is time to clean bedrooms. (Of course, I said they needed to be cleaned before I had Christian!). I got Courtney's room clean today, most of it anyway, but haven't even started Megan's. I would usually fight with them to clean it and it takes a couple of hours, but I just did it today. I know they're not learning anything, but it gets clean faster and I had Courtney help me today, so she didn't get out of it completely.
4. Take Megan to school to pick up books from her teacher at 4:30. Check, got this one accomplished! We even went out for ice cream afterwards!
5. Give the girls and Christian a bath. Ok, the girls got them (thanks to Matt), but Christian did not. We want to videotape his first bath and need to figure out how to bathe a newborn again, so maybe tomorrow?
Tomorrow we are supposed to go to playgroup at 10 am. Yikes, 10 am! We're not usually up around here until 9, breakfast at 11, lunch around 2 or so. We also have to take Christian back to the doctor at 1:40 for another weight/ bili check. (The nurse actually asked if we wanted to come in the morning and I said no!, afternoon please!)
I told the girls we would TRY to make playgroup, I think it would be good for them to go, but the question is whether we can get out the door or not by then!
PS I have also broke out in a rash on my stomach, so maybe a goal for tomorrow would be to figure out where it came from!
Monday, June 14, 2010
June 10th, 2010- Christian's Birthday- AM
Wednesday, June 9th, my midwife stripped my membranes because I was 2 1/2 cm dilated. This put me into labor when I was pregnant with Courtney, so I assumed it would work again! NOT! A few contractions here and there but nothing worth calling in about...
Thursday morning at 2:32 am, I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom. As I got up out of bed and felt a braxton hicks contraction like usual, but I also felt my water break! I told Matt what happened and tried to get back to sleep. (I am going to leave out a lot of detail here!) I was hoping again that labor would start this time, I had a few contractions here and there, but again, nothing that put me into full labor.
I tried to get back to sleep, but couldn't. At 5 am, Megan came screaming into our bedroom. She had a dream that our house had burned down and she was really upset about it! She sacked out on our floor and again, we tried to get back to sleep.
But, that didn't happen. Megan didn't get back to sleep, I was wide awake, and Matt was up at 6. What an early morning! By 6:30 am, I decided to get up and so did Megan. We ate breakfast and at 7 am, Megan and I were making cupcakes. Since my water had broke, I assumed I would be having the baby that day and the girls and I had bought the items we needed to make "happy birthday" cupcakes for the new baby.

We got those done with Courtney's help and pretty soon it was 8 am. I told myself I was going to call my midwife at 8, a new midwife came on call and I figured I would be dealing with the new one, so I waited until then. After getting ahold of someone (the office was moving to 192nd and Dodge clinic that day, so I couldn't get ahold of anybody for awhile), they told me they wanted me to come in at 10 to make sure my water had really broken and to come up with a plan.
We got the family ready and took off for the doctor. Matt and the girls sat in the hallway and read books while my midwife checked me out. She did a test to see if my water really broke, but couldn't really tell. She also examined me and said I was still 3 cm and about 80% effaced. She said we had a couple of options. My first option was to go right off to the hospital to get induced, her other option was to give me a little bit more time to see if I would go into labor on my own. She said that if you haven't gone into labor 4-6 hours after your water breaks, then you probably won't ever go into labor. She also mentioned that she sees this pattern a lot- someone strips membranes, water breaks, and then there is no labor and the mom has to be induced.
Since it was already 8 hours past my water breaking, she sounded pretty doubtful that I would go into labor, but she would give me some time. She said if I am not in labor by 2-3 pm, I need to go to the hospital and get induced.
This is not what I wanted to hear! I did not want to be induced and was working towards everything not to be, but there didn't seem like I had any options. She said she didn't want to risk infection. So, she gave me her phone number and told me to call her later.
We left the doctor's office and I was pretty depressed, but I was certain I could still get myself into labor within 3 hours. We stopped at Westroads Mall and walked around about 45 minutes and then sat and had lunch (because I had the house all clean). I had a few Braxton-Hicks contractions while walking, but no real ones.
During lunch Matt and I talked about our options. I knew there was no way I was going to be in full labor by 2 pm. He mentioned that maybe we should just go home, finish packing up the girls, take them to our friends house, and just go get induced. We had been up all night and we thought the earlier we got going with the baby, the earlier we could be done. I figured this was probably the right decision, even though I didn't want to do it! So we headed home and went on with our plan.... See next post.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Christian Maxwell Ruwe has arrived!

I purposely didn't update my blog Thursday during the day because I figured I would be having the baby that night and didn't want to give it all away!!
I am downloading our pictures now, so hopefully soon, I can update my blog!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Almost 41 Week Checkup- 5 Days Overdue
To spare a lot of the details of today's appointments (because they are too personal for my blog), here is the lowdown on the appointment.
I lost 3 pounds this week, gained 3 cm on my stomach , and am now 3 cm dilated!
Platelets were at 108,000, 60% effaced.
She also stripped my membranes today, but apparently that didn't work yet because I am still around!! Matt keeps reminding me not to give my hopes up and I'm not. I know I can sit here for a few days yet (or up to a week?). I am pretty sure I am not going to have a baby today AND I would really not like to be up all night having one either, so can we just wait until I get a good night's sleep and have a baby tomorrow?? (I am putting MY order in!!)
Just for the record, stripping my membranes worked really well with Courtney. I went into the midwife at 10 am and I was 4 cm dilated. She stripped them while I was there by 2 pm, I was back in the hospital having a baby. Courtney was born at 4:19 pm. That didn't happen this time!
I also went ahead and scheduled my week overdue bio-physical profile and non-stress test. My midwife said that if she schedules it, then I will have the baby and I would agree! We didn't even talk about induction today- I'm glad because I don't want to talk induction yet!
After I got home from the doctor today, I put the last things together incase we have to go in tonight. I also made some phone calls and made sure I had people I can call in the middle of the night. I called both grandma's and got their schedules for the next couple of days. The girls are excited. They know that if we are here in the morning, we haven't had the baby, but if we are not here and our neighbor is over here, then we are at the hospital.
Just for the record, when we leave for the hospital, I am not going to let anyone know. Sorry, but I think it's more fun that way! The only person who will know is the person who is watching our girls. We will let everyone know when the new baby arrives, so just hold tight!!
PS- We don't want to have a baby tomorrow anyway because it is mine and Matt's 10 year anniversary!!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Busy Day
10 Alivin and the Chipmunks Movie at the Theatre (free!)
11:30 Stop at Parables Book Store to get some books
Drive through bank on the way home
Lunch at home
Quiet time for Girls
3:30 Aldrich Elementary to check out books
Playtime on the playground
Errand on the way home
Uncle coming over to help Matt with basement
What was that?
a nice long walk thinking it would help labor get started = up all night with contractions
(which I think now were false contractions brought on by my "irritated uterus")
no walk, doing nothing= good night's sleep
It just doesn't seem right!! I swear, nothing will help bring this baby along faster!
Yesterday the girls and I went to Walmart to stock up on groceries for awhile. We bought things to make baby brother a birthday cake for the day he is born. I thought this would involve the girls, they also bought him little matchbox cars for his birthday. I think they are getting excited, but of course while we were there, Courtney says, "But mom, what can I get??" I said, "Oh Courtney, people will bring you things when your brother is born." I then got her distracted with something else, I would still like to get my girls something from baby brother, it's just hard to find the perfect gift and get it while I have two little girls are in tow.
Today we're going to continue our quest of staying busy this week by going to see a free movie this morning. We are going to see "Alvin and the Chipmunks" at a local theatre. We've already seen this movie, but we'll see it again! They are offering free movies Tuesday/ Wednesday mornings during the summer. No use sitting around and waiting for labor to start!
Tomorrow we have playgroup and a doctor's appointment, Thursday we might hit up some library activities (magic show!), and Friday we are supposed to go to the spraypark with our MOMS Club and I would have my ultrasound/ non-stress test that day if baby does not appear by then! I think we've got the week covered!
And of baby decides to make an appearance, great! I'll take it!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Up last night...
Around 8 last night, we went for a huge walk- why not? I was still contracting and was having lower back pain and feeling kind of crampy, so I thought let's try something! We got back arond 8:30 and I was ready to sit down. I had contractions the whole time we were out. Again, I could walk through most of them, so I just kept pushing myself.
We finally got the girls to bed by 10 and went to bed myself. But apparently, my body thought it would be fun to start contracting even more. From about 10:30-2:15 or so, they were timeable. I even drank a big glass of water at midnight like I usually do, but they still didn't stop. They were coming every 2-5 minutes and some were pretty intense. I thought, I am going to be up all night and then have to go to the hospital and have a baby- I'm going to be so tired and I'm not going to have any energy to have this baby by morning time if I don't get any sleep!
Luckily, around 2:15, I fell asleep, so they must've stopped. About 3:15 I woke up again. I drank another big glass of water and the contractions started again. This usually doesn't happen! They were about every 5-7 minutes this time and not as strong, again, I fell back asleep about 4:30 and slept until Matt was up. I think I was in and out until he left and then I just got out of bed at 7. I'm done messing around and trying to get some sleep! Needless to say, I'm tired! And my back hurts, I don't know if it's from trying to sleep every which way last night or if baby is moving down.
I told Matt to keep his phone on him because I was still having a few here and there this morning before he left. I'm going to get up and start moving around here in a little bit. Just being out of bed helps a lot! I'm going to drink a couple big glasses of water like I usually do and see how things are. I also hope the girls don't give me too much grief today, I'm going to let them sleep as long as they want! We'll see if we go anywhere or not today..but I do think walking about 100 times around the mall might do the trick!
This was about a 4 day process when I had Courtney and this just might be the beginning, we'll keep hanging in there and keep trying to stay busy!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
2 days overdue
The next question after "What are you still doing here?" was "When are you being induced?" I answered with, "Not until I have to." Some people looked at my like I was crazy, yet some understood. I told them that at the earliest I would want to be induced is 10 days overdue, I'm not quite there yet, so I am just holding tight. I want what is best for me and my baby and I believe the best is to let him come on his own. Plus since I am not getting an epidural, natural labor contractions are a lot easier than pitocin-induced ones!
If it comes down to it and we are 10 days overdue and no baby, I will agree to get induced. I went 14 days over with Megan and her placenta was deteriorating, so I don't know if I want to take that risk again. (Of course, we will have an ultrasound and non-stress test on a week overdue and hopefully if things are good yet, they will let me go a little bit longer).
I told people if I was in church next Sunday, then we haven't had the baby yet...but if we were gone, we probably had the baby or we are in the hospital. Or...if we have it early enough this week, we might be in church next week with our new baby boy! Who knows!
I told Matt I was going to walk around the block today every hour to see if things will get moving! I haven't done it once and it's already 3:00!
Courtney came on her own and so this morning at breakfast, we were asking her what the secret was. Why did she decide to come out? What did she do? Obviously, she didn't have an answer!
Some quick facts:
1. There were 5 of us ladies from my church due to have babies last week and everybody else has had thiers except for me.
2. Megan and Courtney were both born on Mondays- will this baby follow the same pattern?
3. I have not had a baby in less than 8 days overdue- seriously, can we break this trend?
Friday, June 4, 2010
Due Date!
It's kind of depressing to watch this day come and go (well, I guess we still COULD have a baby today).
Tomorrow I will be officially overdue! Surprise, surprise!!!! But how far overdue will I go???
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Last Day of School- Pictures Included!
I took some pictures during the day to remember it by!
Almost every day for the last year, she has ate Berry Colossal Crunch (Captain Crunch). It has to be the off-brand too, I bought her the "real" stuff one time and she refused to eat it!
She sat on the steps every morning and put her shoes on.
Pictures outside before we headed to the bus stop for one last time!
Walking down the sidewalk to the bus stop.
Megan loved being first in the line at the bus stop, we were out early on Wednesday, so she was first in line. The kids would just line up as they got out there and often they would run to beat each other in line.
All the kids that got on at the bus stop every morning. Every once in awhile, another girl would get on too, but she wasn't there Wednesday morning.
Brianna, Sarah, Ethan, Libby, Lily, Megan, Mitchell, and Grant.
Megan was the only one without a sibling out there, so I walked her out every morning and waited until she got on the bus to head back home.
These three girls were in kindergarten together this year.
Libby, Lily, and Megan
Libby and Megan were in the same class together.
Getting on the bus one last time as a kindergartener!
After school, I went and got her from school instead of her having to take the bus home. I wanted to get a picture with her and her teacher, she will have her for 1st grade too.
After I got her from her teacher, she wanted to show me how she can do the monkey bars, she's been working on them for awhile. She didn't quite get all the way across!
As we were leaving the playground, she saw Mrs. King, her music teacher. This was Megan's FAVORITE teacher this year, I'm not sure why, but I think some of it has to do with her long, red hair. Megan just adored her and made her pictures all the time, so of course, I had to get a picture.
Wwe got in the car and Megan says, "You know mom, I'm a first grader now. Mrs. Elvers said as soon as that last bell rang that we were first graders!"
You're right, Megan, you are now a first grader!!
Put your order in...
1. I should have this baby on June 4th, my midwife told me yesterday that this was her birthday and she has only delivered one baby on her birthday in all her years of being a midwife.
2. I should not have this baby on Saturday, June 5th, because my mother-in-law has two catering jobs.
3. I should have this baby on Sunday, June 6th, because it is my younger brother's birthday.
4. I should have this baby before Tuesday, June 9th because Matt's brother and his wife are leaving that day and going out of town for a week.
5. I should not have this baby on Wednesday, June 10th because that is mine and Matt's anniversary and this year, it is our 10 year anniversary.
6. I should not have this baby on Wednesday, June 10th because Matt's sister comes back from Ukraine that day.
7. I should have this baby before Monday, June 14th because some good friends are going out of town for that week and their daughter is SUPER excited to meet the new baby.
8. I should have this baby early enough to make it to a wedding on Saturday, June 19th and a bapstism on Sunday, June 20th.
So, if anybody else has an order they would like to put in about when I should or should not have this baby, please let me know, I am finding this all quite comical!!
(And please, nobody take offense to this! I am just having fun!)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
40 Week Appointment
Anyway, back to my appointment.
Platelet count- 118,000 Up from last time!
Gained one pound, low blood pressue, great heartbeat
Measuring 37-37 1/2, this is lower than it was last week, which shows that I am dropping every week. My midwife checked me and she said she could reach the head easily! (This is quite different from two weeks ago when my midwife couldn't get to the head at all-I was so high yet.) She also said I was about 50% effaced. I said, "I could still sit here for a week, right?" And she said, "yes, you can."
I then asked her how long she would let me go overdue or how this would work at the end with my history. She said that with my platelet issue, she would like to incude me after a week overdue to avoid any problems. I told her, "But I went 8 days overdue with Courtney, can't I just have 9-10 days?" She said it would depend on how things were going. (Remember, I see three different midwives and each one will have thier own opinion on this!)
She said to come back in in a week and evaluate things again, so I have an appointment for next Wednesday. My week overdue date is Friday, the 11th. If I am still around, she said, we could do a bio-physical profile (ultrasound) and non-stress test that day and go from there.
She said she would like to avoid me getting induced too. If I have problems that arise, I will definitely agree to be induced, but I would like to avoid it myself- especially if I do not get an epidural. I've had both kinds of labors and the natural one was definitely easier!
She said if I do go into labor naturally, I would probably follow the same pattern as I had with Courtney. Here's what happened with her:
Thursday, August 10th- felt her drop as we were walking to a park to play with Megan
Friday, August 11th- contractions every 15 minutes for 2-3 hours, went out to eat at Famous Dave's
Saturday, August 12th- bloody show in the morning
Sunday, August 13th- sparadic contractions (spent the afternoon at Grandma Dee's lakehouse, yes, Matt was out on the jetski and I was having contractions)
Monday, August 14th- Woke up at 1 am with contractions 10-15 minutes apart, they stayed like this until 5 am. Got out of bed and continued to contract until about 8:30, they got to about 5 minutes apart and then gradually stopped and Matt went to work.
Matt and I went to the midwife at 10 am and I was 4 cm dilated. She stripped my membranes around 10:30-11 and I was back at the hospital at 2 pm. At 4:19 pm, Courtney Grace Ruwe was born!
So, if you want to do me a favor, pray that this little boy decides to make an appearance soon (within a week would be nice)! He's starting, but we need to keep this process moving! Pray that I can have manageable pain during my labor and there would be a nice, healthy baby boy in the end!
Last Day of School!
I'm hoping to get pictures during the day to document it, she has had a great year and has learned SOOOO much! It is amazing what they learn in kindergarten! She had a great teacher and made some great friends! She will have the same teacher next year, so that is good. She is a very serious, strict teacher, but all the kids love her and she knows what she is doing!
She gets out at noon today, so I am going to go pick her up and maybe take her out for lunch somewhere. It will be nice having her home again! But I also want to make sure we keep in touch with her friends over the summer and keep her reading/ math skills up. Her teacher already warned us that they will lose their skills over the summer and has told us that we need to come up to school every week to get books from her to read. Last week, Megan brought home packets of math worksheets to work on over the summer (I told you, she is very serious about her job and her students' learning!). I think Megan has them half done already. :)
Anyway, I will post more later after school is out!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
A change coming up!
Since Megan has been in school all day for the last year, it has just been me and Courtney at home during the day. She has gotten all the attention she has ever wanted! I can play with her and not be interrupted, we can talk about things, we can go places and it is quite easy with just one child! I am also fortunate that she can go off and play for hours and I get a couple hours to get things done during the day. She has nobody to fight with or bother her. She is a very easy child to take care of during the day!
We have had a great year together, but tomorrow is Megan's last day of school and then she will join us at home during the day.
I don't think Megan being home will really shake her world, but when baby brother arrives, it just might! Baby brother is not going back to school in the fall like Megan. After we get through the summer of three children at home (yikes!), Megan will go back to school in August. (I actually think having the baby AFTER Megan gets out of school will help tremendously with the transition. Courtney will have somebody to play with this summer while I take care of the new baby.)
Next fall, it will be Courtney, myself, and baby brother. She will no longer have 1-1 attention with everything, I will have to divert my attention to him, hopefully he will take great naps and I can still sit down and play with her! I don't think she has realized how lucky she has had it all year! (neither have I!)
It makes me sad that this is the end of a good year with Courtney, I have really enjoyed our time together and I have watched her personality blossom as she grew about a foot taller, but I am also anxious for the new chapter in our lives!
If only we weren't going from one child at home to three children at home within a couple of weeks (or sooner), I think the transition might be easier, but oh well, here we go!!!