Monday, December 3, 2012

Christian Quotes of the day

Christian kind of redeemed some of his bad behavior this morning by making me laugh tonight.

1.  I was putting a turkey in the oven for supper and he said, "Mom, turkey died."  I just had to laugh.
But we have to be careful around here when we say things like this, it brings tears to Courtney's eyes!

(Yes, I know Thanksgiving is over, but I got a turkey for pretty cheap and it was really easy to make at Thanksgiving, so I bought another one! I think this one I made today was better than the one we had at Thanksgiving.)

2.  At supper, he refused to eat his supper. "Mom, turkey gross."  Then Megan reminded him that the turkey died, so he continued "potatoes died too."  Where does he get this stuff??

3.  Tonight at bedtime, he didn't want me to read him books, he wanted Megan! So Megan sat down and read him three books, he was mad when it was time to go to bed. We told him that Megan will read to him again in the morning, but he still didn't want to go to bed. He already had another book in his hand. I love this bond they are building over books!

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