Friday, May 7, 2010

36 Week Update- Finally getting ready for baby boy!

Well, after our scare last Saturday of having timeable contractions for 3 hours (and on Monday also), I decided to get things into gear this week!

Monday- After a little bit of pleading, Matt and his brother took the baby's dresser from the basement to the baby's room- even though it is still Matt's office until he gets the basement done. We found a wall to put it on and it's there ready to be filled with clothes!

Tuesday- My mom came in and graciously went with me shopping to get last minute things for baby boy. This only included things I need when he comes home from the hospital- diapers, sleepers, bath items, wipes, socks, a few more clothes, etc. I hit a clearance rack of 3-6 month summer clothes, so he's about set for that size.

After our shopping trip, we came back to my house and we cleaned up the dresser, since it has been in construction zone for 6 months. It looks so much better now! My mom also helped me bring all the baby gear up from the basement. This included the swing, two bouncy seats, bathtub, and diaper pail. Again, buried in construction zone! She also brought in a pack and play with a bassinet on top to use when we bring baby boy home.

Wednesday- I had MOPS in the morning and then in the afternoon, I worked on cleaning up the baby's room a little bit. The girls' art supplies were in the closet and I wanted to get them organized and ready to move out. I got those cleaned up, but needed help to move them.

Thursday- My mother-in-law came in helped me some more! She cleaned up all the baby items for me. Well, with a little bit of help from Courtney, the swing is cleaned up and put together, the bouncy seats are the same. The bathtub is ready to go and so is the diaper pail.

We then headed upstairs and cleaned up the baby's room some more. She helped me take all the girls' art supplies into the sitting room off my bedroom. I thought this would be easier because my desk is in there and they can do projects on there instead of on the office floor. (which is now baby's room/ Matt's office)

We also went through all the baby clothes and saw what I had, what I had too much of, what I can use, and not use. I have had two other moms give me some 0-3 months hand-me-downs that are in great shape, so those went in the "we will use" pile. I also went through the stuff from my shower and looked again at what I had received and went through those. I definitely want some new clothes for this baby, not all hand-me-downs, and a lot of clothes from my shower will work, so those also went in the "we will use" pile.

For those of you who want to know, we have plenty of onesies/ sleepers for 0-3 months! We also have plenty of socks (I bought some on Tuesday, but found a bunch, so I am going to take those back). I also have plenty of 3-6 month summer clothes, but not as many onesies or sleepers. We might see how big this kid is before I go splurge on this size! I am not sure where we are going to be for 6-9 months yet, I'm betting it will be winter time, but if he grows fast, we might be in that size during the summer.

I also got out all the blankets, receiving blankets, crib sheets, waterproof mattress pads (need one more yet), towels, washcloths, burp rags and threw those all in the wash pile.

Friday- Today's mission is to wash everything. By the end of the day today, we should have everything washed up and put in the dresser!

One item we still need: CARSEAT!!!

I also went ahead and scheduled my 37, 38, 39, 40 and for me, the 41 week appointment! While I was at it, I should've just scheduled my week overdue ultrasound/ non-stress test along with my induction, but maybe we won't get that far. :)

Tips for getting through the last 4-5+ weeks: Drink lots of water, rest, spend time with Courtney and Megan, get a plan of what to do with children when we go into labor, and pray for a natural/ non-medicated birth!

PS- If anybody has any advice on how to deal with a very jealous 3 1/2 year old bride in these pictures, please pass your words of wisdom on! I'm think I'm going to need them in about a month!

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