Thursday, April 8, 2010

32 Week Checkup

Wow, 32 weeks pregnant already! I can't hardly believe we're going to have a new baby around here in 2 months! And that means Megan will be done with kindergarten in two months too because we are due two days after her last day of school!

I had my 32 week checkup yesterday and asked about all these braxton hicks contractions I've been having lately. My midwife had one word of advice- drink more water! She says that by not having enough blood volume, it will irritate my uterus since it is a muscle and cause it to contract. Yikes! She said I should be drinking at least 2 liters of water a day! 2 liters?? Do you know how much I will be in the bathroom after drinking that much?? She said if it is hot out, I should be drinking 3 liters! Wow! I don't know if I'll be able to chug that much water down in a day, but I could up my intake. Hopefully it will help.

I have also had a lot of tendon pain around my lower stomach and about a month ago, my midwife suggested to get a maternity belt for support. One of my friends borrowed me one, but I never used it until about a week ago! Wow, what a difference it makes! I will probably wear it all day long until the end of my pregnancy! If I don't wear it, my muscles hurt to even walk and then I am in pain. With it on, I am great! They say this is because this is my third baby and my muscles don't have much support probably doesn't help that this little boy is so low either!

I only gained one pound in the last two weeks too- I was pretty excited! I have been trying to eat better and have been exercising every day! My midwife also brought up the subject of pain management yesterday (I guess they talk about this at the 32 week appointment). She said, "Well, it looks like you've had nothing before, do you plan on doing that again?" I said, "Yep, pretty much." She responded with "alright," and that was the end of that! We talked a little bit about my birth plan, heard the baby's heartbeat, she measured me(32 cm this time), and my appointment was over!

I took both girls along and they were great- except Courtney is getting into this habit of having to go to the bathroom right in the middle of the conversation with the midwife. I show her where the bathroom is and send her on her way herself. (well, Megan took her yesterday).

After my appointment, Megan and I saw the dentist for our 6 month checkup. Both of us checked out great, except Megan wouldn't let them take x-rays of her teeth. :( We got Courtney signed up for her first cleaning next week and then we came home, had dinner, and went to church for AWANA. It was a busy day!

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