Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Trying new foods!

I have been on this quest to eat healthier in this house.  We have cleaned up our diets ALOT the last two years and I still feel we have so far to go.

There are a few things I do around here to keep track of what we eat.
1.  My children are allowed one wheat product and one cows' milk product a day.  If they want two products, they cannot have wheat or milk the following day.
2. I try to rotate our diets.  We seem to eat a lot of tomato products, so I really try to rotate that every couple of days.  This is how we get "stuck in a rut" and eat the same thing over and over and THEN that is how we end up with food sensitivities!
3. I try to eliminate artificial food dyes and coloring. Megan used to eat "captain crunch" every day when she went to public school, I refuse to buy it anymore.
4. I try to only buy things with five or less ingredients. I break this rule with cereal though because most of it is vitamins and minerals. I don't buy granola bars, crackers (besides saltines), store bought cookies or anything like that anymore.
5. I am also trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup. I am off of corn, but this is in everything and all I can do is try! I buy ketchup with no high fructose corn syrup, but we still eat many other things with it in.
6. I try to limit the kids' intake of sugar. Courtney would drink a whole pitcher of apple juice in a day if I would let her. I mostly need to keep an eye on her. :)

Here are some things I am trying to do right now:
1.  Allow fruit snacks every other day.  Fruit snacks are such an easy snack, but I found the kids asking every single morning around 10:15 am. I am always in the middle of school and I found it easy to say "yes" and they could get them themselves.
About the last week, I have started to say "no," but then I get the "But what CAN I have?" question. 
Today they opted for a banana. :)  I may need to get snacks ready before we start school because now they want an apple and want me to cut it up for them...in the middle of school!
Why are they hungry anyway at 10:15 am anyway??  But they seriously are! We usually have cereal for lunch and that just doesn't last!  Courtney has learned to eat something besides cereal for breakfast because her stomach will be growling by 10:30 am!

2.  I am trying to incorporate more vegetables! I have introduced asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, green beans, snap peas, and snow peas.  Some the kids have liked, some they have not.  Last night we were at the store and they were begging me to buy more cauliflower!! They said no asparagus though! I bought some anyway. :)  I think we are going to try sweet potatoes tonight.  Why haven't I discovered these vegetables earlier in my life??

3.  I keep reading articles about how sugar and carbs are not so good for us. I have been trying to find some paleo recipes lately and attempt them.  I have tried a couple and they are not bad! I made some yummy paleo breakfast cookies the other day! I have a couple more recipes that I would like to try.

4. I am trying to have the kids eat more nuts and beans.  I have bought cashews, almonds, and pistachios, but they kids aren't too fond of them. I know this would be a great snack that would actually fill them up! I have also tried some different butters beside peanut butter.  I also would like to stop using beans out of a can, but make them from scratch. I am definitely still working on this goal.

And to top this all off, I still don't eat any dairy, eggs, peanuts, wheat, corn, yeast, or chicken. I have gotten almonds and garlic back into my diet, I really need to try chicken, that would help open up some more food options.

I really put a lot more emphasis on food than I have in years past, but I have really learned what a difference it has on our health!

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